Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pigeon Poop

This morning during my walk with dad around Echo Park lake, a pigeon pooped on me. I don't know if it was aiming for me (I can't recall doing anything bad to this particular pigeon in the past) or it was just a happy accident for the pigeon to actually make a direct hit... but I got pooped on. Dad wasn't pleased, so right after the walk we went over to KCs house (we've been watering their grass while Heidi was away) and I got an impromptu shower with the hose. Grrrr.... I hate the hose. It doesn't seem like a "real" bath and did I mention it's cold???

No photos because mom wasn't there but trust me - it's better that way.



To Aire is Divine


Dandy Duke said...

How insulting for you Bogie! And then a cold shower to boot! Okay - today is definitely not your day!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, the cows do not fly. Kiss, Faya

T-man Angel said...

Ooh, I sympathize! I get pooped on my birdie brother CC-man. It's very gross!
