So dad said that he had to do some errands today... snore. It just sounded so b-o-r-i-n-g. And it's actually HOT here today, so I was afraid I'd be stuck in a hot car waiting outside some nameless building for him... But then mom said she was going too so IT'S PARTY TIME...

Dad actually only had one errand to do - he just took the test to be a certified food and beverage handler here in Oregon, and he had to go to the office to finalize his test (he passed with flying colors!). So mom and I waited for him outside (no dogs inside apparently... bastards).

Mama and I did a patrol - checked the perimeter of the building - to make sure it was safe for dad. And yes, I can report that all was safe.

Then I was sure that he must be missing me (he was inside for awhile), so I placed myself right at the front door so he couldn't miss me. I wouldn't want him to be scared!

Since we were already in the Milwaukee area, dad suggested we go down to the river and see what we can see. So this was the very first thing I saw, and I APPROVE...

It's awfully pretty here, and today is just lovely. The Willamette River isn't really clean, but there were people swimming in it, riding boats in it, and fishing in it. I contented myself with running, jumping, and exploring the land and NOT the water.

Isn't that a cool-looking bridge? Wait until you see it up close..

It's ALL WOOD!!! Neato!!!

Dad had heard about a place called Elk Rock Island, so we drove around until we found the entrance to that...

Now supposedly, there is a land bridge that connects where we are to Elk Rock Island.

See those tiny people? Guess what. The land bridge isn't there because the water is too high. They were kind of crazy, walking through waist-high water to get to the trail on that island. I sure wasn't going there (and mom agreed)...

Hehehe, I'M NOT GETTING WET dad...

I knew that something smelled awfully good tho, something I haven't smelled since the last time I was at Echo Park lake back in Los Angeles... I KNOW, IT'S GOOSE POOP!!!

Tiring. Whatta day. So much excitement when I expected none. Luckily Portland is a town full of brewpubs where a dog can rest his weary haunches with a beer and some nachos. This one is famous - The Lucky Labrador - it has a big back patio where dogs are welcome so LETS GO!!!

See that cool mosaic? I was certainly impressed with their decorator.

I met lots of doggies while I was there but curiously they were ALL labrador retrievers! At first I thought that was odd, maybe it was for Labs only, but then I realized that it was for all doggies, there are just a LOT of labs here in Portland! This girl was a cutie-pie with a great-smelling butt.

OF COURSE we need to have another beer, and bring on the nachos!

To Aire is Divine