No costume for me this year - I hope that everyone is having a FABULOUS Halloween!!!
I am Bogart Handsome Devil, Airedale Terrier and dog-about-town. I'm growing up in front of the entire world here on my blog... sharing my world with crazy cats and my mama Lulu. The King of Terriers is in da house!
I am humbled and very grateful to accept this award from the folks at Dogs With Blogs - the Webmasters Choice Award for Outstanding Blog.
I have been blogging for just over 3 years now, and remember the dark times before DWB - when there were no other dogs with blogs, no one reading my blog, and no online dog community - and the day that I got a little email from our friends Greg and Brooke asking if I wanted to join a new site that they were putting together called Dogs With Blogs. Everything changed after that, and not only did more and more dogs join up and link to us, but friendships (and flirtations for me) were born.
THANK YOU Greg, Brooke, Charlie and Opy for recognizing my blog, and for being MY FRIEND
MY spot...
Here on beautiful Mt. Tabor, my favorite volcano.
Yes it's nice to sit around and sniff other dogs walking by, but I WANNA WALK
There are STICKS to be collected...
And pine cones to be chased and chomped...
Think I can't get all of these in my mouth at the same time? YOU WOULD BE WRONG
And for the few that didn't fit? I'll save those for next time, no one will touch them now that I have peed on them...
Don't forget! Just one more week to enter the Be My Baby Mama Contest and WIN!!!
Come on dad... you said we were going...
Luckily once I'm strapped in I can still get my mug out of the window to enjoy a little fresh aire.
This little guy had the same idea - minus the harness - isn't he a cutie? We were stopped at a traffic light and mama and I saw him and thought he was pretty darned adorable.
I have so much to learn about this "fall" thing, also called this "autumn" thing. In Los Angeles this time of year is much different - it's still really hot outside, and there aren't lots of leaves on the ground. I am finding that leaves are a FANTASTIC new experience, a GREAT way to leave and receive pee-mail, and just all-around incredibly coolarama.
NW Portland is a really pretty place, lots of beautiful houses and great places to walk around. I'm leading the way today...
Yup, pick up a few messages, and leave a few.
Isn't the color fantastic?
I'm thinking about starting a website for doggies - Hydrants Around the World - something near and dear to all of us. More as a joke for now, but it would be funny wouldn't it?
These two hydrants look really old-school and very cool, don't they?
All this walking has made me hanker for a little snackie. Hey, I've heard that there is a cool little French cafe in this neighborhood that mama wanted to try... can we find it?
YESSS! It's called St. Honore and it's a lovely little cafe smart enough to have outdoor seating that's just right for doggies.
I wholeheartedly approve of the mozzarella panini that mama and I shared.
On our walk around, we stumbled into (ok, I dragged us into) a store called All for Paws. What a cool shop!
Full of all things doggie, the lovely lady running the shop offered me lots of treats. As I am probably the most picky dog in the entire world and not motivated by treats at all (much to mama's chagrin) the nice lady tried treat after treat after treat - and I wouldn't bite.
She was determined but alas, so was I. I think I just get distracted rather than completely uninterested in the treats that people sometimes offer me - because I do enjoy a good treat from time to time. Maybe I'll bring her some of my Chez Bogart jerky sometime...
A quick drinkie and we're off.
OK Stanley, this is for you and Mz. Stella. I have become very attached to the stuffed Mingo you sent me, it is one of my very favorite toys. I use Mingo to let dad know whenever I need a walkie so yes, he is a daily and dear friend. Today when I was walking, I saw this:
CAFFE MINGO!!! OMDog, I had no idea that Mingo was so talented or that he had inspired so many and in so many ways...
I simply MUST eat here sometime. And I WILL bring Mingo along.
Don't forget about the Be My Baby Mama contest - only one more week to enter and WIN!!!
Look what I found...
Just sitting in the street in front of my house...
Nice and partially deflated - JUST LIKE I LIKE MY BALLS
Oh Kafka, you are SO BUSTED
You spent this chilly day outside - after escaping from the back door, you managed to find a nice, warm spot in a little area under the house.
But a nice, tasty bowl of kibble foiled your evil plans for taking over the household from below.
And I thought us dogs were motivated by food, and able to manipulate the humans into providing it at any time... you sir, are THE KING - simply by being outside a bowl of food materialized.
I will learn from your greatness, oh strip-ed one...
Some days it's clear enough to easily see Mt. Hood, other days, not so much...
Let me have a look dad!
Lets head up onto Powell Butte dad!
There is always a lot of nature around here - we see bunnies, birds, snakes, I even once saw a black-tailed deer - but sometimes it's the little things that catch my attention the most. Check out this orange and black little guy - he was just slowly crawling across the path in his perfect Halloween-themed colors. Maybe an inch or two long. Mama helped him across, I was just fascinated by his outfit.
And occasionally I see a kitty or two - this one looks just like my cat sister Sekhmet
Off into the forest we go! Notice that I already have one stick...
Which I quickly swap for a BETTER one...
When I find a HUGE one, the holy grail of sticks, basically a LOG.
I WANT THIS ONE... you say you think there is no way I can pick this one up?
Coming down is always the best part after we "summit" at the top of Powell Butte...
Hey dad, it's COLD at home - I'm thinking maybe we need some firewood...
Think this will do?