I've met some other dog bloggers with people who knit!
Take a look-sie at Blue & Annie

And Gracie!

Oh yeah, and read their human's blogs too....
I am Bogart Handsome Devil, Airedale Terrier and dog-about-town. I'm growing up in front of the entire world here on my blog... sharing my world with crazy cats and my mama Lulu. The King of Terriers is in da house!
Oh yeah, and read their human's blogs too....
There was also an area with horses - ok, now I'm still learning about other animals so I wasn't really ready for the horses - they're sooooooo big and have a great stinky smell, I couldn't stop staring at them.
Dad says that next time we'll bring carrots for them (I voted for bringing cat food, my favorite treat, but dad knows best) so they'll come closer to us.
I hope you can see them in the background of the pictures, there were 4 of them and they were huge!!!
I met an incredibly cute doggie named Eli - another kind of dog that I've never seen before! - he was really mellow and didn't mind at all when I kind of jumped on him in my puppy enthusiasm. He's got such great ears!!!
It was totally covered with computer keys (well, so mom says, I mostly dictate what I want to say to her and she does the actual typing) in some great designs...
I do recognize the Homer Simpson (mom and dad are big Simpsons fans) and the other stuff just looks really cool.
Mom says that today is a day when most people eat a lot of turkey - well, she doesn't eat turkey (or any meat, how weird is that?) and since we're not having a lot of people coming over to the house to admire me (or for any other reason), we've spent the morning watching TV. First it was the Macy's Parade and wow did that look scary... those crazy balloon things and everybody screaming and people pretending to sing on floats. Not for me.
I'm staying here and watching the National Dog Show. So far it's been really educational, I haven't run into dogs that look like most of the doggies I've seen so far. But then the terrier group came up and mom got really excited... there was an Airedale there but they didn't show him getting all felt up by the judge or doing his runaround, we just saw a little of him at the end. But he won 2nd place!!! He was a good-looking Airedale, with a really nice beard.
So I lifted my head for the Airedale 2nd place finish, then dropped it to the floor again and made my grumbling noises. Back to sleep.
But dad had other ideas... he wanted to take me for a hike so off we went into the Hollywood hills! I'm getting better at this hiking thing, much better than before. I even complain less (but I've decided not to drop that completely - you never know when it's going to come in handy to whine and give the "cute airedale face").
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
No spots on the shady side so we had to sit on the sunny side at first which was HOT. I was sucking down ice cubes and water like it was going out of style. And I slept through the first bits, except when it got noisy (like when Elvis came through - my first Elvis sighting - long live the King).
I can't remember which kitty started it (probably Kafka, but I can't be sure), but mom really likes to knit. She's making socks for all of her friends for Christmas. So she was in the middle of making a sock and made a little miscalculation when putting it away for it was still within easy reach of furry paws.
Oops!!!! Sorry mom....
She's a boxer, the daughter of Bo & Roxy (the other boxers that I met - scroll down to see them) and she's sooooooooo cute! She came in and we played a little bit, lots of sniffing of butts and ears, then she found an old pig ear that I forgot about and ate the whole thing! I was more into playing myself, and so I was just watching her a lot.
How incredibly cute is she??? I love staring at her face with all of those wrinkles... and her skin feels like a kiwi!
Otherwise my day was pretty boring - lots of sleeping - so it was nice to have a little excitement!
He's showing me all sorts of new games, not to mention where all of the fun stuff is hidden - moms shoes, furry fake mice, balls with bells in them, and of course almost-empty boxes that still have something in them that mom wanted to hide from all of us.
Ok, so I've just had my first experience with the vacuum cleaner.
Well, lets just say that I found out and I'm not proud of my reaction. Running and hiding with my tail between my legs isn't a good look for me. I'm gonna have to work on my oops-the-vacuum-cleaner-is-out-must-hide-now-and-run-away-quickly moves.
Today is a rainy day here in Los Angeles - I really hate going out in the rain to have to pee and poop. I try my best to look at mom for sympathy, but she keeps dragging me outside.
I'm with mom at work today and dad just sent me the funniest pictures by email of two of our kitties - Kafka and Behemoth (I've already introduced you to Kafka, I'll post more about Behemoth soon) sleeping in my crate!!!! Now while I'll admit that my crate isn't my favorite place in the world at this point, it's just weird to have kitties sleeping in there. And sleeping all curled up together! They're never that nice to each other when I'm around... they're usually swatting me in the nose or doing that hissing thing when they see me.
Cats. They're just weird.