Last night I got a bath. I'm feeling fresh and frisky now that I've lost some of my funk. It's sunny and warm outside with no chance of rain... Gotta go! A lovely morning walkie by the river, then it's time to have a volcano walkie.

Lulu here. This is not Bogart's paw, it's mine. When we arrived at Mt. Tabor, Bogart stopped to chomp on some grass and I looked down and saw this ladybug. It was sort of following me. So I reached down and offered it my finger, to which it decided to explore.

Why did a ladybug catch my eye? The day after Klaus passed away, there was a ladybug at my door. I studied it for awhile (I was particularly slow-moving at that point) and watched it walk close to me, walk around my hand, then fly away. I have had several more encounters with friendly ladybugs since then. While I would never say that Klaus was in any way related to the ladybugs (he would HATE that) it does kind of warm my heart a little when I see one and think of him.

This ladybug, however, had me in tears. It found Klaus' wedding ring (which I wear on my middle finger, just below his big silver one) and stayed there. For a long time.

And then flew away.

Bogart here - yes, mama was all teary-eyed watching a ladybug, I was busy taking care of business.

Such a pretty day on the volcano, not too many people, not too hot.

Salad everywhere! Making me hungry...

Mama was thinking gardenburger, I was thinking fries.

I can wait. I know she won't eat every one of those delicious fries without allowing a few to either drop or be placed directly into my waiting mouth.


Oh yeah... Awesome fries and I have to assume that the gardenburger was tasty (I just cannot bring myself to care).

Mama had something profound to say about this photo that she felt compelled to take... but she forgot.

Enjoy the long weekend if you have one!