Thursday, July 08, 2010

Cool Cool Cool... Places

We've havin' a heatwave... an atypical tropical heatwave... And mama has been worried about my ability to keep cool in the face of extreme temperatures (well, extreme for Portland that is). So a few days ago, she spent almost an hour in the REI store picking out a new cooling vest for me. First she went online, did lots of research, and even emailed a few companies to ask about their products. As I am the King of Terriers, not just any vest would do. Going to REI was a pretty involved thing, as after deciding that she'd invest in one picking out the correct size was a challenge and took her the better part of an hour. It turns out that since I'm right on the cusp between Medium and Large, she wasn't sure which was going to provide the right amount of protection against the evil sun and heat without being uncomfy.

We went with the Large and mama is very pleased with the way it fits! I don't have any issues putting things on over my head, and then it just clips on both sides of my shoulders. A snap to put on. The thing that mama liked about it the most was that this vest works with just water - there is no freezing of inserts and no possibility of anything hurting me - and after the initial soaking you can reactivate the cooling powers by just pouring more water over it. Perfect.

And yes, it seems to work! This covered my entire back - which, being black fuzz, gets very hot in the sun - and the coolness of the vest keeps my skin cool. Most importantly to me, this vest doesn't limit my ability to do some of my favorite things, like trampling plants...

Going for long walkies...

Finding interesting things to add to the "Keep Portland Weird" file...

And of course, peeing.

The vest is from Ruff Wear - it's their Swamp Cooler vest. It works well with my deep, manly, muscle-y chest, is easy to use, and most importantly, IT WORKS. I was definitely more comfortable in the 90+ degree heat with this on, and during our hour-long walk mama poured a cup of water over me two times for added refreshment (it's SO GREAT to not have her pour water directly on me).

And see? It's actually quite dashing on me. And I can wear my favorite harness over it.

Of course we still take it easy on our walkies - mama still has that broken toe and it is going to be 90+ for the next few days - but now I don't feel the need to plop down in the middle of the walkie because I'm too hot. I can go back to plopping down for more important things...

Like eating sticks, of course.




Wyatt said...

That is a very nice vest. But then, you would look handsome in
I'm an in-between size tried to buy me a 'Walk Easy Harness'(clip in the front), the medium was too small and the large one that we have now, is too big!
We need to design stuff that is Airedale sized!

Dexter said...

Bogart! Thank you so much for that most helpful product review. I think I will order one for PeeWee because he is like you and wants to do his walkies even when it is too hot.

I am totally all over your new blog look. Very nice. Did mama do it herself with those HTML's or is it a blogger design?


George The Lad said...

That's a good idea, and you look the biz in it. now we all know it keeps you cool, but I can imagine peeps walking passed and thinking why has he got a jacket on in this heat.

violett said...

Hi Bogie
You siest not only cool from, it cools you really!
If I well like your waistcoat.
Here is also an extreme heat wave. During the day I do not want at all out. But I live in the country, there one stands it better, than in the town. Also my mummy has just vacation.
All the best of Your mummy for her toe!

Kissis from

Dandy Duke said...

You look pretty happy and content in your new vest at 90 degrees, Bogie, so we're sold! You have one smart mama who loves you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Bogart, Ruff wear is a great brand. Our collars and leads are ruff wear and we have portable dog bowls as well.
Let us know how you get on with the jacket. It sounds pretty good.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The Airechicks said...


You're not only stylish but also have a VERY smart Mama!!

Of course we think you should be the personal spokesdale for this vest and need your picture on ALL promotional media...

Enjoy your walks and sticks in the comfort of your cooling vest and keep a good stock of water on hand...for refreshment...


Finni said...

Very practical and very ... coool!
Enjoy your walks!
Finni xx

Kodiak Grandson Falcon said...

You are one cool looking Airedale. The heat wave is happening all over. You got one smart mom.
Love Ya

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Bogart, you are looking sharp in your new vest. We may have to invest in one of those. The heat wave is back in H-town...

Stay cool dude,
The gang in Houston-town!

Pat Wahler said...

I've never seen a vest like that. How very cool--pun intended!


Moco said...

That is one very nice vest for the hot weather. Stay cool.

Inky and Molly said...

That vestie thing seems like a smart idea. Perhaps we should investigate for our upcoming Sauna season wher temps often soar up to 111f degrees