Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vienna Lager

WOWZA, the first batch of dad's Vienna Lager is done brewing!

Yes, dad is as proud as any new father when his newest babies are born... the Vienna Lager will need to sit for some time before it becomes truly drinkable, but today is their birthday so it's a special time.

A little tasting is in order...

And who better to be the designated taster than moi?

But I'm not going to drink out of that silly little glass, BRING ME A STEIN...

I got the tongue in there a little - it's pretty darned bitter. Looks darned good tho.

And a little bit for mama and dad to sample. Notice the nice foamy-ness at the top that dad made. The Black and Tan Brewery is off to the races!




Chez Bogart

To Aire is Divine


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Ooh...the Lager looks yummy! Did you get the foam moustache when you drank it? hehe! *wink*


Noah the Airedale said...

Wow your dad is so clever. My pinky B likes a beer but has never made it himself. He likes a really dark beer, like stout. Does your dad brew dark beers too?


Cassidy said...

Your dad does look very impressed! I like real ale and daddy sometimes lets me have a little taste, yummy!

Cassidy x

Stanley said...


Your dad will need to eventually prepare his lager samples to send out to all of your buds. And, I think YOU should be on the label. Is he gonna have labels made?

We are so proud of your papa. By the way, we love that he copied your soul patch. Almost makes you two look alike.

Goober love,

Dandy Duke said...

We are all drooling here! Your dad's beer looks awesome! Cheers and bottoms up, Bogie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Doctor Dre said...

hey bogie - tell your mom & dad they should come visit idaho. then he can have beer meetings at aaron's beer store.
take care! D