Saturday, June 06, 2009

Fleet Week

Weekends in Portland + nice weather = FESTIVALS! The Rose Festival is here and that's the biggie, but on our way there we detoured to check out the Dragon Moon Festival:

Not much going on there. Shame. We thought that was going to be cool.

Ah well, take me to the river mama!

The Saturday Market was also happening, but they are foolish and do not allow dogs. No matter, I didn't want to go there anyway...

Fleet Week is when the navy and coast guard ships come to Portland. They really do look like big Tonka toys.

Mama had to be restrained from making "sea-men-in-portland" jokes. Out loud. Sometimes she's just embarrassing.

I must say that the boats are awfully cool. I could see myself at the helm of one of these babies, or on the top, with a long scarf and my doggles just looking cool...

Not one but TWO giant St. Bernard's. They look small in this photo but do not be fooled - there is a reason you can barely see their owner in between them.




Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Fleet week sounds upsome cool! We were at Lake Pend Oreille today near water too. Yes, a scarf flying in the breeze would make you look like a handsome boat captain!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bogart!
You had another pawesome walkie!
I can imagine you there in one of those... Capitan Bogart!
Kisses and hugs

Golden Samantha said...

What a scene! We have a fleet week too here in SF - yours looks way cool. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed in a lot of places like even farmer's markets here. That's okay - I'm not really into them anyway. You look like you had a great time in a fun place!
Hugs and xo

Michelle said...

Wait wait, since when does Saturday Market not allow dogs? Every time I've been there the place is crawling with pooches. Seriously, if something's changed since my last visit in March, I will have to shed a tear for a very definite drop in PSM's cool factor.

Hope you're doing well, or well-ish, or better anyway, and that Bogart is taking very good care of his Mama.

Dandy Duke said...

You absolutely would look smashing at the helm in your scarf and doggles, Bogie!
Did you go over and say hi to the Saints?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

You would TOTALLY make a most dashing figure at the helm! When you get your own, let us know. I can see my ears flying in the breeze(course I am sure the salt spray would make me a curly,curly girl! ha)
Aaaanndd Scooter wants to be "fursterer mate" *geeeez*