Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Airedales on Squidoo

Hey Airedales, it's that time again...

Mingo and I have a request - Can you pop onto my Airedale Bloggers page on Squidoo and see if I'm missing anybody?


Drop me a line with any links that I'm missing and I'll get those up straight away.

I also have to work on my other Squidoo lenses (which you will see, I have sorely neglected):



I'll get to those soon - after the Airedale bloggers one is complete.

Much obliged...



To Aire is Divine

Chez Bogart


Kirby said...

Thanks for including me Bogie! I feel like I'm famous!!!

Your pal,

Harry said...

Gosh, we have found a few new Airedale bloggers to check out, thanks Bogart!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

We're there Bogie. Thanks matie.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Duke said...

We feel so special being included, Bogie!
Thank you so much!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Hollie and Janie said...

We left you a message on squiddo, but forgot to leave the link to our blog. We would love to be added to the list of airedale bloggers. I am an adopted airedale and my mom and I love to blog!!!
Janie (aire'girl)

Asta said...

I miss you
Hhope you'we well!!
I have an awawd fow you
I love you
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Hi Bogart! Thanks for including me your link list. I shall do the same. You look gorgeous aire. It's nice to read those messages now when I can't do anything else....
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Hey Boggie...I just love calling you Boggie....Hahahaha!

I have a stuffie that is just like that and I LOVE IT!!! I sleep with it and I get REALLY mad when my cousin Big Ollie tries to play with it because IT IS MINE!!!

Love, Herc

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Oooo Bogart! You added me! Thanks so much man!

What is this page thingy you are putting up! I'm excited to look at it some more!

My human has been working on some good nose in action shots, but I think I may too fast for her...I am fast like cat.

Sorry I haven't been around much to check on you and all, but you know...the human...blah blah blah!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley