Sunday, November 04, 2007

Doin' Pasadena

We spent a little time in Pasadena today - wandering around, hitting the parks, cruising down Colorado.

I read the plaque and took in a little history...

I'm still not always perfect in walking around large objects without getting the leash caught at times...

Performing at the Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Arts...

And then there was this super-cool car that I just had to check out...

Low key, fun. lots of Aire-dmiration - good times...



To Aire is Divine


Dandy Duke said...

Hey Bogie,
Can we jump in that car and go crusing together! What a cool car!

Love ya lots,

Harry said...

Those bog head statues are a little bit scary don't you think? Or am I being a big baby?

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Bogie,
Aire-dmiration is the best isn't it!! That car looks really neat. Did you get to sit in it?

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Lenny said...

Wow - who are those huge humans???

Your friend, Lenny

Stanley said...

Hey, Bogart!

I think you probably get more Aire-dmiration than any dog I know! But then again, you deserve it, man!

Goober love,

The Black and Tans. said...

Travelling certainly broadens the mind. Great to see you are taking your hoomans out and about!

We Dales are super intell-aire-gent don't you think?

Molly and Taffy

Kirby said...

Hey Bogart,

You are truly a man about town. You get to see the greatest places! Those big heads look really cool. And, what beats Aire-dmiration? You deserve a ton of it! I'm glad you guys had such a great time out!

Your pal,