Monday, September 17, 2007


For my birthday my Aire-buddy Stanley sent me a package of Pegetables - and I went goofy. Even though there I like very few doggie treats, these were an instant hit. I'm not sure what it was about them, since the texture is very treat-like (not like food, I mean), the colors are bright and vegetable-y, and heck, they're VEGETABLES.

So unbeknownst to me, mom sent an email to the lovely folks at Pegetables to let them know just how much I love these things. Also because she couldn't find them at our local Petco or little pet stores.

Well this weekend a special package arrived - for MOI - with a nice, big packet of Pegetables. WOO-HOO! The first one I wanted was my favorite one, a CELERY. Now I have no idea if I like real celery or not but I LOVE the Pegetables celery!

I've also indulged in a CARROT and a CORN and can say that they're all pretty darned yummy.

After indulging I needed a little rest. We've been out hiking a lot lately too - later in the day, that is, to avoid the evil heat - so after the physical exertion and the excitement of the Pegetables, I had to rest.

On MY sofa.

Yes, it's MY sofa.

Ah, life is good. Get yourself some yummy Pegetables, I think they're great for big and little dogs who like to chew!



To Aire is Divine


Dandy Duke said...

These look yummilicious, Bogie! I'm gonna have mom look for Pegetables for me and Mitch!

Love ya lots,

Ferndoggle said...

That could be a way for me to eat my veggies. I usually just eat around them to get to the MEAT!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Celery is evil and should stay in the ground where it belongs. Maybe the pegetable version of celery is better. Hope so! J x

sammawow said...

Your Pegetables look mighty tasty, indeed! We think it's really cool that you have your own couch too!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Pegetables!! We're gonna find some of those. I'm with Jackson...celery ranks right down there with canned spinich...Blick! But those look dellliiissshhh!!! Boy, you look tired after all of the eating!!

Wiry barks, Scruffy

Stanley said...

Bogart!! My DOG!!

I waffled about whether or not to send you those Pegetables, knowing what a treat snob you are. It pleases me greatly to know they are now a fave of yours!

You obviously have your priorities right these days. Eating, check. Snoozing, check. After that, anything goes!

I also know what you mean about the couch. I OWN that thing. However, yesterday I allowed my girl and Gertie (who was visiting) to nap with me on it. But buddy, you could use MY couch anytime!

Goober love,

Liza said...

All these food posts are making me exceedingly HUNGRY!!

Wishing you a belated Happy Barkday!!

With love - Dory

Faya said...

YOUR sofa looks so comfortable.....
Kisses, Faya

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...those treats look yummy...I'm gonna have to try them!!!

Lots of Licks,Ruby

Simba said...

Mmmmmmm, they look GOOOOOOD!! I'll have to bark at my human to get me some!!


Anonymous said...

Crud - I can't check your blog from work anymore!! There are way too many scripts running for the computer to handle, and it crashes the system. :-( Recently it's been taking forever to load on my high-speed line at home, too, which is a bummer.