(thank you Miss Asta!!!)
I am absolutely floored at the amount of love that we have received during the scariest day of my life... sitting here in the ICU, seeing the love of my life so very sick, breaks my heart into tiny little pieces that turn around and stab me again and again. I stroke his hair, squeeze his hands, and even was able to give him a kiss on the lips today and then I collapse into my chair by his bedside. I cry a little and reach for my laptop, and every single time I log on my mailbox is flooded with well-wishes from animals around the world. It makes me chuckle a bit because while we have never met in person, through reading and writing our blogs I feel like I know every single one of you, that we are real friends, the kind that are there for you not just in good times, but in bad.
Words simply cannot express my gratitude for all of you at this very scary, very difficult time. Thank you for your wishes, and thank you for the beautiful, fun, and poignant distractions that reading you comments is to me. I want to be there every moment for my husband, and I want him to know how special he is. You all know him as Bogart's dad, to me he is just Klaus. He cannot respond to me directly, but I read him every single comment - and I just know deep down inside he hears and understands.
Words simply cannot express my gratitude for all of you at this very scary, very difficult time. Thank you for your wishes, and thank you for the beautiful, fun, and poignant distractions that reading you comments is to me. I want to be there every moment for my husband, and I want him to know how special he is. You all know him as Bogart's dad, to me he is just Klaus. He cannot respond to me directly, but I read him every single comment - and I just know deep down inside he hears and understands.
What a beautiful post. We can almost feel the love written into it.
You are in our thoughts and Asta's graphic on our blog. We are hopeful your husband will be all right.
Hi, Lulu!
My mom can't read blogs at her work place and she was thinking and praying for Bogart's dad all day.
I hope he will be ok and like new in no time.
I have faith!
Kisses and hugs
Lorenza and mom
We feel the same way and we have only just met Bogart through this sad occurrence. Keep your chin up and your hopes high.
Woos, the OP Pack
Deawest auntie Lulu and Bogie,
Mommi and Daddi and I love you so and wish we could be thewe to help you thwough this howwible owdeal. I hope all ouw love will give you stwength. We know you thwough yeaws of seeing youw bootiful family and know the love you have fow each othew. We awe wif you in ouw heawts!
smoochie kisses
ASTA Lulu..I can imagine your pain, I was there with George. I hope somehow Klaus can be helped. I can't think of anything but praying and thinking positive thoughts.with our love
Ami and George
We just want to be there with you and not halfway around the world. You've been in our thoughts constantly. We wish we could do more.
Denise Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
your friends x
Dear Bogart,
I know from reading your blog how nice your dad is - he doesn't even really get mad at you when you dig holes, and he's nice to goats. Zeke and I hope he feels better real soon. Your dad is in our prayers.
Your pal,
Lulu, Klaus and Bogie,
Know that we will be there with you in spirit every step of the way, every moment. You are not alone—our love is delivered 24/7.
Your friends,
Jane, Petey and Mica
Lulu, Bogart, and especially Klaus,
I am crossing my paws and my eyes and every single one of my furs in hopes that you all get to be at home together again, happy and healthy.
I also send my very special smoochies, which are very rare indeed and saved up for only the most special of occasions. I just wish there was more I could do for Bogart's daddy.
P.S. My mom also says, we are thinking about you all.
We love you guys and are praying things get back to normal soon!
Luv C$ and Family
Hi Bogart, I'm Nala and I heard about your Dad from Mango. I am thinking of you and hoping things get better. :) I looked at some of the other pictures on your blog and it looks like you have a wonderful life with your family. :)
Thinking of you!
Dear Lulu, Please know I and Sunny and Scooter are holding you and Klaus (& Bogie) in our hearts. I just came home to let pups out and in before going back to the hospital too. I know it is different-a husband and a mother-but loving someone so much and wanting so desperately to do something, ANYTHING to help..and not being able to is soooo hard.
Lulu, as an RN who has worked ICU myself, I can tell you of many,many patients who told us they heard every word we said. Then, some remember not the words, but the love and knowledge their loved one(s) were there. Hearing is said to be the last sense to go-so you KEEP TALKING to him Lulu. He knows you are there.
And Klaus! You listen to Lulu, you hear?? Please know you are in so many's hearts, minds, prayers. The support we have gotton whil my mom has been sick has been great. It helps me feel better. I understand the gratitude you feel. I feel it too.
Hang in, Klaus. Sunny and Scooter are howling at heaven and I am praying. I wish we could do more.
God Bless.
Jamie, Sunny and Scooter's mom
(the texas sundogs)
Bogart, Lulu & Klaus, We continue to keep you guys in our prayers.We feel like we know you and it makes us sad to know you are in pain. We're sending lots of love your way.BabyRocketDog, Hootie, Cassie & Patrick
Hi Bogart. I just heard about your dad and want to send you love and hugs. We are hoping and praying for your dad's recovery.
Our best wishes to your family.
Bogart! Lulu!
We are still praying for Klaus. Thank you so much for keeping us all updated on what's happening!
Sweet Ms Lulu!
You know I love you, girl! I've told Bogart over & over, and because I know that Klaus is good to you, I love him for loving you!
Sorry if that sounds convoluted, but love gets that way sometimes.
My sissy Stella, Merv my catbro, and my girl & I are there with you in our hearts. Please reach out anytime to us for anything!
Please give my Bogart bud a but squeeze from me and tell him I love him.
Goober love & smooches for you,
Hey, Lulu. This is Lisa, and I can't even imagine how you're feeling or doing, but for what it's worth, I've been thinking about you ever since I heard about Klaus. Please tell him that people in obscure little towns and big cities everywhere are pulling for him & your family! Give that Bogart Boy a big smooch on his juicy schnoz and a nice booty scratch from me. I'm sending an email with my cell # in case you need someone to talk to who is not enmeshed with you there in all that's going on!
Lisa (Stanley's girl)
Hi Bogart
I'm furry sorry to meet you under these circumstances. I heard about your Dad from Khyra. I will keep everything crossed for him.
Big licks to you
We are thinking of you every minutes of the day. We wish we could do more. And I wish I could writte better in english to say more.
Kisses, Faya & Dyos & Véronique
I hope your dad gets better soon. We will be thinking of you and your family.
Mochi and family
Hi Bogart, we read about you on Khyra's blog and we are sending our good vibes straight to you and hoping your Dad's condition improves :) Mum has leaky eyes now when she thinks of what your poor Mama is going through. We hope next time we visit it's good news....paws crossed!
Sending lots of love and Beagley hugs xx
We woke up this morning thinking of all of you! The thoughts and the prayers won't stop! We love you guys!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hello Lulu,
It was just a few days ago that we were looking at the pictures of you all eating hot dogs and drinking beer. Seems incredible how fast things can change.
It is quite wonderful how we all get connected with each other through such a simple thing like a blog (and an Airedale). I'm thinking of you and Klaus (and Bogart)constantly and hoping for the best.
lots of love,
Kay and Ruby
Dear LuLu and Bogart,
Asta and I are very sorry to hear Bogart's dad is seriously ill. We are praying for all of you.
xxx Asta (Oz) and Louise
LuLu, our prayers are with you and your family. ~Alasandra, the cats and a dog
Momma's eyes were leaking when she read your post. Whatever little we can do from across the country, we will.
Bogart, Ms. Lulu and their wonderful dad:
we are friends of Asta, M&M and we heard about your dad. We would like you to know that we are here for you. You dropped by our blog from way before but I guess we have both been too busy to follow-up.
We are sad to be back under such circumstances. Reading from your early posts, we know that Klaus was a wonderful dad and husband. We can tell that you and Bogart love him so much.
We will be praying for his speedy recovery. I know that things are quite difficult. No words would, perhaps, describe how you feel right now. I guess, the most we can do is to offer you our prayers that he will be back and bouncing and rejoin you and Bogart very soon.
Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to help.
take care always
drooly kisses,
Aki, Poopie and Micchi
Good Mornin':
Please know that our love and prayers are with you. Wish we could be there to hug you & let you know just how much we love you!!!
If you NEED ANYTHING - ANYTHING you just let us know!!!!!
We're sending our very best miracle whippet wishes your way. Even the servant is praying for all of you.
encouraging wags from the whippets
We are praying for your miracle. We have all are paws crossed and mom has lit a candle for your dad.
Love Ruby & Penny
We just found you through one of these sad posts,we pray for you and your Daddy, but Mostly for your Mom who has the hardest job of all, keeping up her hopes, her faith and being a loving and supportive as possible.
Puppy Kisses for your Mom,
-Kira The Florida Siberian
Hi Lulu and Bogart,
Mommy had a very vivid dream last night that she saw Bogart curled up under Claus's hospital bed. She went over to Bogie and gave him a hug around the neck and a scratch on his wiry head and he licked her cheek.
I just know this means Bogart is there to comfort you, with big Aire love.
Your friend,
I don't know if you are a religious person, but I have found comfort in this verse:
I Peter 5:10
And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
We will continue to pray. Hope to get really good news soon.
Take care!
Hi, we are here through Khyra's blog. We've read about you're DAD and we hope he gets OK right now... Kisses.
Joey and Ruby and so many of our furry friends said the same things I was going to say. Just the other day you were eating hot dogs and playing zoomies and stuff. And like Joey said, your dad doesn't get mad when you dig holes and is nice to goats and horses and stuff. We have not stopped thinking about you and praying for Klaus and we won't until he is home where he belongs.
We love you Bogart, Lulu and Klaus
Deetzy and Family
Paws khrossed furry tightly...
Khyra and Her Mom
Khyra and Asta sent us. We are so sorry that you all are going through this horrible experience. Please know that all of our paws are crossed and we are send hugs and purrs and purrayers out for your family.
We are here to send some wiggly cocker spaniel vibes your way.
We've heard humans say that it can take an event like this to realize what you have... but after peeking through your older posts, Bogart, I think your love for your dad has always been in your mind and your thoughts. Dogs never take a moment for granted, you know? We hope your dad is home soon to snuggle with you.
We're purring our hardest!
We hope Bogart's dad gets better soon.
Hey Lulu & Bogart, I wasn't able to stop by yesterday to let you know that I have my employees working overtime to send as many goodvibes to Daddy Bogart as they can! My Mommy is praying & I'm snuggling a lot lot lot! We have put the prayer picture up & hope he will be home very soon!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Joey and Tanner said the other day that sticking their tongue up their mums nose made her feel better so they were going to go do that....I am sending tongue licks all over your faces
Lulu and Klaus and Bogie
Evewytime we woke up doowing the night Ouw fiwst thoughts wewe of you..and still awe..We awe sending mowe hugs and pwayews and tewwiew stubbown healing powew
smoochie kisses
Our circle of healing vibes goes out to your Dad many times during the day. We know that he is hearing all the comments sent and soon will be able to respond to them.
My thoughts are with you during this difficult time
We're sorry to hear about your dad. We are sending healing vibes to you.
Steve and Kat
Hi Lulu, Bogie and Klaus,
We too are thinking of you every day. We also think that Klaus is very special!!! ... who else cooks a Bogiestew like you, and those jerkies! ... man, those jerkies ...
But it's not all about food, is it. Klaus, without you the world is incomplete - get better quickly.
Continuing to send that Aire zen!
Lots of Love
Finni, Nelly and Elke xxx
Oh we two are crossing our paws and sending tons of wet kisses. Sally would like to froth up both of your Daddy's ears, sometimes to the point of a bacterial infection, ask me I KNOW. And I Rufus would like to wipe my goober eyes on your bed and maybe push it around the room. I hope you don't get dizzy.
Bogart and you Mommy Dog hugs and kisses in this stressful time.
Big black nose poke
We will be praying for your family, we came over from Khyra's blog to see you. We hope that you are hanging in there.
we are dealing with recent trauma too. my woofie brother benson just got diagnosed with cancer and is vewy sick.
feel better soon,
Gibson turnbull,
Lulu & Bogart,
We are behind on our blog reading so we just read about Klaus. We are sending out tons of Airezen and praying like crazy. I'm sure Bogart is sending licks and lots of love from home. Please keep us updated.
Kirby & his mom Kirstin
Just found out about your dad from another post.
We send all our love and good wishes from across the water in the uk.
God bless and lots of love
Ginger Jasper xxx
You are all in our pawyers!
We are sending all our best Heeler vibes to your Daddy Bogart. We are praying for that miracle as is your mom. Keep us up to date..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We have all our paws crossed for your daddy! Know that my mommy is praying for you, and I think God even hears us furries in times like this...Sending more good Sibe vibes.
Mya Boo Boo
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