Sunday, February 01, 2009

Take Me to... Funkytown!

After the excitement of Puppy Bowl today, mama and dad felt that my funk was a little too, well, funky. I was full of energy and ready to go - until I realized that this means I get a shower. Darn. So it was off into the shower with dad, a good scrubbing with my special neem oil shampoo, and then...

Yup, it's time for some major AIRE DRY! That's right - running around the house at top speed, flinging myself into odd positions, stopping, starting, darting through mama's legs and drying my schnoz on dad's feet. Good times.

Catch me if you can!!!

My neem routine has been working out really well for me - much less crunchy, flaky terrier skin on my butt. Makes me happy indeed.

And goofy. Like always. :)



To Aire is Divine


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bogart!
I love bath time!
The last two pictures are soooo good!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

That aire dry action looks like so much fun its almost worth getting a bath for it. Glad your itches are better.


Asta said...

I'm so glad that Neem is wowking fow suwe look shiny and handsome and I love youw goofiness..isn't wunning awound aftew a baf the best?
have a gweat week
smoochie kisses

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, your bath times are so fun! It seems the neem treatments are going really well...your coat looks AWESOME! *grins* Hope you have a great week!


Duke said...

What a goof you are, Bogie! We love that last picture!
Your bath is reminding mom that we are due for ours! Gee, thanks a lot, Bogie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...


You are looking squirrelier and more goobtastic than EVER, man! I bet there's not a dry surface in your house after an Aire Dry! Glad the neem routine is working out for you. Your scruffiness becomes you (whether extra funky or not).

We were checking out your earlier post on your art, and your dad's underappreciation of your earth medium is sad, but we are glad to see you do work in other mediums. I'm not much of a digger, but I LOVE the rubber ball medium and the oversized tennis ball medium as well. You're definitely multi-talented.

My girl especially loves the two photos of you posing with your dad's reinterpretation of your earth art - especially with the ever-present tongue of attitude.

Goober love,

Pee Ess
My word verification word is daledi. hehehe

Hollie and Janie said...

I am so glad your skin is better, but sad to hear about that bath! yuck! I love to aire-dry, too. If I have to be wet, then why shouldn't the furniture,walls, and carpet? right!
You are too handsome for words!!

Joe Stains said...

I love a good aire dry too, I go just as nutty!!

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Hahahahaha I do exactly the same rub myself the whole lenght of the walls the furniture and put in lots of butt tucks its the only thing to do after a shower.

Ludo the cool dude.

Deetz said...

Wow you make taking a bath sound like a blast...maybe I should go ahead and let mum get me all wet and let me do zoomies around the house

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Bogart! Bogart! Ya gotta come on over to our new (very own) blog! It's just in the construction stages but we're having a grand opening give away. YES! Freebees for some lucky dog! So hope to see you soon. Smooches from pooches,BabyRocketDog & Hootie

PS-You look exceptionally clean! I got a bath at Smelly Dog yesterday.What we don't do for the hoomans in our life.

Kirby said...

Hey Bogie,

That's so pawsome that you get to run around and be crazy post shower. Mom and Dad cart me off to the doggie self-wash nowadays, so I can't run around when I'm being dried. They've taken all the fun out of a less than thrilling experience. Sigh!

Your pal,

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Love it. As always - the action pics get me laughing. But - I love the last pic - the curtain.


The Black and Tans. said...

Oh Bogart you had has rolling around in laughter when we saw the last photo! Absolutely brilliant.

Molly and Taffy