Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dad Update

First of all mama and I want to thank everydog, cat, and hammie for dropping by to send us some dad-love. Mama especially cannot thank you all enough for the incredible concern and kindness that we've received from all over the world.

My dad is very, very sick. He is on life support at the hospital for a very bad infection, liver disease, organs failing, and an issue with his bowel. We have every hand, foot, and paw crossed every which way for him, but he is still very, very sick.

Mama is still working on a miracle for dad - and every day when we receive comments or emails she reads them to him so he KNOWS that he is loved. We're not sure if he can hear, but mama talks to him constantly and has only left his side to come home and take care of me and the kitties. And the cats and I are already working on how to best take care of her right back...

But right now I just want my dad HOME. I want him to be WELL.

Mama promises to keep everyone updated from her spot at dad's side...




♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So sorry to hear that Dad is so sick - we will be pawing lots of good sibe vibes and human prayers your way.

Take care, the OP Pack

Cassie said...

Continuing to hold your daddy up in prayer. love, BabyRocketDog & Hootie's Mom

Faya said...

We are still praying for your Dad.
Kisses, Faya & Dyos & Véronique

Princess Patches said...

We're cranking up the prayers and healing Aire-zen to the highest level! We know you miss your mama, Bogie, but she really needs to be with your dad right now! We wish all of you the very best and we hope your dad is ALL better really, really soon!!!!!!!!

Aire-hugs and crossed paws,
Poppy, Penny, Patches and Lana

Jans Funny Farm said...

We read about your dad on Asta's yesterday and we tried until late last night to access your blog but we couldn't.

You are all in our thoughts and Jan's prayers. We hope your dad will be okay and home with you soon.

Duke said...

OMG, we are sending MAJOR AireZen your dad's way, Bogie! We have checked your blog many times for an update! Thank you for letting us know! Your dad is in our thoughts and prayers constantly!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Dear Bogie and Bogie's Mom. We so feel your pain. We will keep praying. And tell your momma, YES. Somewhere, on some level, you Dad hears her. Don't stop talking. We will keep howling to heaven for your daddy while we are howling for our gramma too.
Our prayers are with you.
Big Hugs
Sunny&Scooter & Jamie(the mom)

Deetz said...

Thank you Bogart for keeping us updated on your daddy. We will all together within this blog world put our paws together, human hands together, and lil hammie feetzies together and pray to the stars above for a miracle...we want your dad home
Deetzy and family

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom and I are leaky thinking about your mom, dad, and woo.

We'll be keeping our paws khrossed and sending some Sibe Vibes from PA!


Dexter said...

Bogart, now is the time to rise above missing your dad and take extra good care of you mama. She will require super aire smoochies and goofy antics to help her. I know you can do it.

My family is all pulling for your dad.


Noah the Airedale said...

Oh Bogie & Lulu,
We're just so sad to hear this news. Please know we are sending lots of aire-zen and positive thoughts for your dad.
Bogie, be strong for your mama matie.

Denise Noah Willow Tess & Lucy x

nl1990 said...

Still pulling for your dad here too!


Lynne said...

Bless your hearts. I'm keeping positive thoughts for you all, picturing Bogart's dad making a full recovery and feeling the gratitude for that healing.

Finni said...

Hi Bogie,
We're keeping the Mega Aire Zen flowing to Portland to make your Dad better really quickly. Be strong little fella.
Thinking of you all.
Finni, Nelly & Mum xxx

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hi Bogie,

We are sooo sorry to hear your dad is not well. We are thinking about you and praying for a miracle. Give your mommy a big smoochy aire kiss for us ok!

Lots of luv from your ol pal C$

The Black and Tans. said...


We have been thinking of you today. Thank you so much for giving us an update. We will continue to send Airezen and loads of positive thoughts to your Dad.

Take care of your Mum.

Molly and Taffy

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

WE heard about your dad being sick and wanted to come over and send some purrs and purrayers that he will get well. Power of the Paw.
Purrs coming over right away.
--JB, Dumplin' and Bear

Ruby said...

What terrible news about your dad, Bogie. We are thinking about you all a lot and have included him in our prayers. Hopefully the miracle of modern medicine will be able to bring him back to health quickly. Thanks for the update on the situation.

Best wishes,
Ruby and Kay

Joe Stains said...

We are sending so many healing vibes my eyes are crossing and I may have just farted!

Moondance Huskies said...

Hi Bogart,
So sorry to hear that your daddy is so sick. All of us are sending your daddy lots of pawsitive healing energy and prayers. You are doing SO right by taking care of your mom...she needs you more than ever! Take care of yourselves...our paws are crossed and our thoughts are with you.
Howling to heaven for a miracle,
Skye, all the Moondance Huskies, the kitties & Mom

Anonymous said...

Bogart, we hope your Dad gets better really soon. You must miss him an awful lot.

Kelli said...

Oh Bogart,
I am sorry to hear that your dad is still not doing well! We will be thinking of him and you all and praying for a miracle along with your mom.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Joey to fart when he's giving zen!

We want you to know you are at the top of our prayer list...we don't know your dad's name, but we keep referrin' to him as Bogie's dad!!...we're sending massive amounts of healing, prayers and LOVE to all of you.

Tell you dad he is very very well loved...blogland may be virtual, but the love and healing behind us from all over the globe is very very powerful. WE ARE HERE FOR YA MAN!!!!!!!!!

We're so thinking of you now Bogie...lotsa love and terrier kisses for you mom...Be strong and be there for her, Man....

Love ya more than you know.

Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan

Toffee said...

we are so sorry to hear about your dad. All of our paws and eyes are crossed for you - wishing for your miracle.

you and your family are in our thoughts.

be strong for them - I know that they appreciate your airedale strength of character right now.

toffee, riley and mom

The Creek Cats said...

We just read about your dad over at Jan's Funny Farm. We just want you and your mama to know that every cat, dog, and human in our house is purring and purraying for your dad.

Shmoo said...

The gimpy gang has every fiber of fluff crossed for your dad.


Hollie and Janie said...

I am so, so sorry that your dad is so sick. He is in our prayers, as are you and your sweet mama! Please give her a big, sloppy kiss for me! Thank you for the update. My mama has been very worried about yall, too!
We love you!!!
Janie and her mama, hollie

Asta said...

I just wanted you to know that it was Deetzy and his Mom who suggested we make the pictoowe we can all display of youw sweet Daddi and You.
We awe all sending ouw love
smoochie kisses

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh, Willow and I just found out about your dad being sick. We immediately began sending over our strongest healing purrs to him. We are also sending purrs to your Mama, who is with your dad, and to all of you waiting at home.

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

we are sending ALL our Airezen to your daddy.
Tell your mama to keep talking cos we know your daddy can hear her.
Sending all our love and hugs to you all.

Ellie and Baz (&Jo)