Yes, I'd like to fly... far away from all the sadness. My pals, the reigning rulers of the Republic of Gooberstan, obviously knew this and wanted to help.
Today I took my evening break a little early. The weather was so nice, and Klaus was in good hands. Bogart and I had a lovely walkie in the forest - which gives me time both to process all that is going on as well as have the perfect conversation partner, Bogart, to talk with/at. When I returned to the hospital, I went right over to Klaus to tell him all about our walkie. I turned around to put my bag down on the chair, and saw this:
They are AWESOME. I was grinning from ear to ear. All of the nurses were asking who the balloons were from, at first jokingly saying that they must be from a dog. That's exactly right! I am so proud that Bogart is a card-carrying citizen of Gooberstan (code name: Bogartoober), where all the dogs are good-looking, and the humans are above average. (must. change. radio. station)
I brought them over to show to Klaus. I know he would be tickled to be receiving balloons from dogs.
There is another thing that all of the nurses have been coming in to see - I brought in some photos of Klaus and I for him to look at and feel good - they are displayed on a wall. I know that Bogart sometimes thinks since we're his mama and dad we must be uncool or embarrassing, but hey, we were cool once:
Yes, I am wearing a vintage showgirl's costume and headpiece. Yes, Klaus had amusing facial hair back then. Yes, we got married in Las Vegas by Elvis. White. Jumpsuited. Elvis. (oh yeah).
We had to promise to always be each others' hound dog, and to never leave each others' blue suede shoes out in the rain. I can proudly say that we have both lived up to those promises.
The day seems brighter already. Many thanks Stanley and Stella, for making me laugh out loud when I thought I couldn't.
That is just so freakin' khool!
It made my mom smile and leak at the same time!
It is nice to "hear" the smile in your voice. Hope you can have a peace-filled weekend. Our thoughts continue to be with you.
Woos, the OP Pack
We agree with the OP Pack, it is great to hear a smile in your voice. So glad you got a little "me" time with Bogie on your walk. And a wonderful surprise direct from the Republic of Gooberstan when you returned! He is the Best Terrier in our group!
Those wedding photos are marvelous - thanks for sharing them with us and giving us a great reason to smile as well!
Furry hugs,
Petey and Asta (and their 2-leggeds, too!)
We absolutely LOVE your wedding pictures Lulu! You and Klaus look amazing! I'm so happy that you have those great pictures in the hospital!!
Leave it to the crazy residents of Gooberstan to send such a wonderful balloon bouquet. I'm so happy that they made you smile. As the OP Pack said, it was great to hear the smile in your voice. Hugs to you, Bogart and lots of hugs to Klaus!!
With love,
Kirby & Kirstin
SO glad that Stanny made you smile - what a wonderful surprise to receive.
You are in our hearts - now and always.
Hang in there - we are all right there with you.
Brooke, Greg, Opy & Charlie
I'm leaving this fur my handsome MallieBoyfuriend Summii and his mummii Shelly
I am sure glad they let him have a visit from Bogart. Blogger was being stoopid and wouldn't let me leave a comment. Would you mind sending her a message that we have all fingers and paws crossed here for him and I have a candle lit for him tonight?
Thanks so much!!!!
Oh that Goob!!! He and his girl just always know what to do!! Try to hang on to that smile as much as possible. It "sounds" wonderful on you. Oh-majorly cool wedding pics. "I'm all shook up" over your "teddybear"(Klaus) "Wise men say only fools rush in,"but no "return to sender" on that wedding And bet you never felt "caught in a trap"... stop me!!!! I can't stop elvising!!!!
Hang in Lulu & Klaus. So much love coming your way. You are securely being held in our hearts.
We "can't help falling in love with you..."
Jamie, Sunny & Scooter
It is so nice. Thank you for the picture. Véronique says this is soooooo romantic !
Kisses, Faya & Dyos
Love the wedding photos.Very lovely!! I especially like your white feathers. Our Mommy doesn't have any feathers coming from her head. Bogie & Klaus are lucky to have such a beautiful bird/hooman to love. Mom & Daddy continue to pray for Klaus & your family. We send lots of Aire zen too. Smooches,BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Sure it was a nice walkie with Bogart. Something you both needed.
Glad to know that Stan and Stella's present put a smile in your face.
The pictures of your wedding are awesome. Thanks for sharing them.
My paws are crossed for Klaus.
Kisses and hugs
Count on those Goobs to know what to do. They are three in a million. (Stanley is Grammie's adopted grandson.)
The crazy old bat at our house thinks everyone should be married by Elvis. We so enjoyed those wedding pictures. They are worth hanging up for all to see.
I am still purring and purring for your Dad, Bogart.
Huffle Mawson
What a gowgeous , cool , fun family..I bet Bogie is supew pwoud to have pawents like stanny is the wisest wulew..he called me, but I wasn't home, I knew what he was up to..I'm so vewy glad you got a smile..and a healing walk..we'we wowking on the wst of the miwacle still
smoochie kisses
Asta and pawents(who awe not neawly so cool)
You guys are so cool! Great photos, you guys look so happy. Thanks for sharing them. Bogart obviously doesn't know everything.
Kay and Ruby
You guys never cease to CRACK ME UP! We always knew Bogart was living with freakishly crazy people, and we are thankful to now have plenty of photographic proof! YES, by golly, you two ARE cool parents! It's pretty obvious there's a lot of love in your family!
Goober love & many more smooches for all of you (especially Klaus),
Stanley, Stella & Lisa
We are so glad that you took a break with Bogie for walkies in the forest!
Stanley and Stella are too much! Bless them for bringing smiles!
What awesome wedding photos! You guys ARE too cool!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What fantastic photos. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
We are just loving those balloons from Gooberstan. What a brilliant surprise for you.
Thinking of you all the time.
Molly, Taffy and Hilary
Extra slurpy licks to all of you!!!
slurpy licks,
OOOOHHHH Bogart - we feel for you dog...You've got your paws full with these two....
But we now understand your robust personality
What WONDERFUL folks you have -
Thank you so much for sharing & ps -
We always knew you have a fun family.
Oh the smilies Stanley & Stella & lisa bring....
Hi Lulu and Bogart,
Mango and Dexter sent us over to wish your family well and tell you that we are sending Klaus all of our good energy. I was excited scrolling through your blog to find you live in Portland. I was born and raised in Portland. We just moved to Denver in 1996. I actually used to own a certain take n bake pizza shop right on Hawthorne. Seeing your pictures hanging out and having a beer on Hawthorne sure takes me back! I hope Klaus gets out of the hospital soon so that he can get back to enjoying the great city and wonderful Mt. Tabor park. Don't be too concerned Bogart, Klaus will be home soon!
Oh how lovely, that made my mum's eyes leak. My mum and dad got married in Vegas too but not with Elvis.
So glad you got to get a walk and have some me time it would have restored your mums battery.
Our love and prayers are winging your way.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
those pups at Gooberstan are soooo sweet and thoughtful. that was so good for you!
we're glad to hear that you and Bogart had some nice time together. he has to be sad and confused. we wish we could play with him and cheer him up.
those sure are fun wedding photos!
we're keeping you, Klaus and Bogart in our thoughts...
woofs from the 4Bs
Please know that you're all in our thoughts and prayers!
The Ao4 and our bipeds
That Goober..he's the king of the goobers for sure!!! If there is a dog who could make ya laugh at this time it's old Gooberboy himself!
So glad you and Bogie got to go for walkies in ur forest!!
Loved the pics of your wedding!!!!!
Hang in there guys!
Love to all!!
Scruffy, Lacie, Stan and Mumsie
the wedding photos were full of fun!
I am sure you have both lived up to your promises.
Hold on in there, we are thinking of you and sending much healing vibes and good thoughts from over here in Scotland.
lots of love, Jeannie and Marvin xxxxx
sorry, meant to say, how wonderful the beautiful baloons were, and how kind of Goober Stan!
He is the Man!
Those Gooberstanians are one in a million! What beautiful baloons!
Those are great wedding photos Lulu a really special wedding. looks like you both had a blast.
We are continuing to send Aire zen - you know Nelly is Florence Nightingdale at our house - she licks everybody better (but Dad inists on putting a finger in his ear - silly Billy) - so Nelly is sending special Dale licks for Klaus and you too!
Love you all!
Finni & Nelly xx
The Mommy were very excited when we saw the pictures of Bogart visiting his Dad. It brought back such memorious. When the Mommy's Uncle Bennie was in the hospital for more than a month he gave up and wouldn't eat or talk to anybody...he just gave up.He was very close to the Mommy's dog. The Mommy sneaked Samantha, her dachsie then, in to see him and it was as if the whole world changed for him. Samantha stayed for hours that first visit laying next to him licking his hand most of the time. The Mommy works at that hospital and she decided she wanted to bring Samantha back and she best tell them what she had done. They weren't to happy that the Mommy didn't ask permission first but she said she had to do something. They gave her permission but told her to make sure Samantha was quite. That lasted about a day and then when the nurses saw what a differance it made with him, they told everybody about what a miracle this little girl had done. Then other patient's families found out and before long Samantha was visiting lots of patiehts on the floor. This was 17 years ago, before doctors realized the power of dog & kitty cat theraphy. He was in the hospital for another month but everyday after work the Mommy would go get Samantha and she'd visit with him. He still didn't want to eat but would try to give Mona a bite and the Mommy would tell him not unless he had a bite first. So he started eating and Samantha started getting fat..heheee. Now the hospital has a program that the Mommy helped start where a patient can request visits from their animal family members.
Bogart is the best medicine for his Daddy in the world.
Our thoughts & prayers are ever with you.
Love Mona & the Mommy too!!
Ps...after Uncle Bennie got home from the hospital, Samantha stayed with him all day until the Mommy would pick her up after work. They spend lots of time together after that.
Great photos!!! We have all our paws & tails crossed over here for your Dad.
Bogart ... Go give your Mom many hugs & headbutts, your Dad too! You are the best medicine ... That's what our Mom says.
Many many purrs,
The Whippy Curly Tails
Oh the baloons were so cheerful, they made us smile too. And those are very COOL pictures of you and Klaus. ~S,S,C & F
Hello Bogie,
I'm really sorry to hear about your dad being in the hospital. Please know that my mum and I are sending you Aire goodness and happy vibes. We hope your dad gets well soon so that he can go home and you can steal his food again.
Hugs and Paws,
Thats is so cool. You met Elvis? Ands he married you? Furry coool man is Elvis. Sings about hound dogs :)
Big licks to you
This is a great post. We were made happy just having dad read it to us, OBTW Dad likes your mom's risque showgirl outfit, he says you're a hottie. We are howling to DOG for your dad to be OK. Our spirits stay young, only our bodies grow old.
Hi Bogart
I heard about your Dad from some of my furry fwends. I have all my paws crossed for him.
Gruffs from the Scruff
Wow....those photos are SO COOL! And the balloons....wonderful and very sweet, what a fantastic place blogland is!
Glad you had some 'me' time, it's so important not to forget to take care of yourself, bet you had a great chat with Bogart while you walked! I do that, my dogs know all my secrets...shh!
You are in our thoughts all the time, and with every blog we visit it's clear that you are in everyone elses too. Paws still crossed....
Slobbers xx
Dropping by to check for new updates. Hope to hear some good news soon.
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