Friday, February 20, 2009

Th-Aire-Apy for Klaus

Last night I received an amazing gift. The team of fantastic nurses here at the hospital have been listening to me yak on and on about Bogart, and the special relationship that he and Klaus share. If there is one thing a nurse understands, it's the power of positive therapy, and what could be more positive than this...

I've gone to great pains to not show too much of Klaus in these photos, but I know they could be disturbing, and for that I apologize in advance.

Bogart walked right in, and after sliding on the slippery floor, he found Klaus. I brought a chair up to Klaus' bedside and Bogart hopped right up.

Bogart kissed Klaus' hand numerous times, and I lifted Klaus' hand so that he could pet Bogart.

Bogart was certainly confused, but his reaction to Klaus was automatic and magical.

He stayed for awhile, but then I had to get him back home. Before we left, I held Klaus' hand tightly and Bogart came in close to kiss us both. Our little family is strong, and we're all working hard to get Klaus his miracle!!!

Thank you yet again - your thoughts, candle lightings, prayers, purrs, hugs, headbutts, and zen mean the absolute world to us.


Lulu & Bogart


Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than doggie medicine!!! I'm so glad that the nurses allowed Bogart into see his Daddy! How very special for all of you.
I've been reading your blog for some time but have never left a comment; however now I feel that I must.
Please know that you are all in our hearts and prayers! All our "kids" have their paws crossed for Klaus. And right now we have 6 so that is a lot of paws!! (we have 4 foster dogs waiting for their furever homes)
Lots and lots of good healing vibes are headed your way.

Cassie said...

What a blessing for Klaus, Bogart & you! Smart nurses indeed. We're all pullin' for you guys! Continuing to lift you up. With Affection, Cassie,Patrick,BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Deetz said...

I was so wishing and praying for this last night and this morning for Bogart to somehow find a way to see his daddy......I know all of us were....Together we can conquer anything! Know that we are here for you 24/7....God Bless you and keep you from harms way.
We will not stop praying!
Power of the Paw

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a wonderful surprise, that the nurses let you bring Bogart in to see his dad. We're sure it helped all of you. Humans miss their pets when they're in the hospital and Bogart has certainly missed his dad.

We've all got our paws crossed too.

the many Bs said...

that has to be the strongest healing of all! we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and our poodle power is with you always!


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That's wonderful that Bogart got to spend some time with his Dad! I'm sure he's feeling the vibes that everydoggie & kitty sends from all around...we're still thinking of you and your family. Hope to hear good news real soon.


Agatha and Archie said...

Ah PL2 here...Being a nurse I know how much this helps...know that he heard and felt Bogie and that is great medicine for everyone. We 3 continue to send every bit of zen healing we have....... A thousand kisses PL2 and A+A

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hooray for those nurses who gave Klaus the best medicine there is!!! We are so glad Bogie got to see his Daddy!!! Still praying and howling to heaven!!! (Heh-reminds me of a time I let a mini poodle be snuck into his momma's room. Had to do it on the sly, but oh my did that woman love seeing her pup!. When the nuns found out-it was a catholic hospital-they were not amused. The chewing out I got was worth it!) Hang in Lulu . Klaus, I know you loved your dose of Bogie zen!
Hugs and prayers
Jamie and Sunny&Scooter

Digsby Mac Feegle said...

Yippee. I'm sure this will prompt a drastic recovery.

Lucia said...

We send lots of prayers for your family, Bogie. Extra-big smoochies to you for being such good medicine!

Tanti baci,

OhMy said...

Good job Bogey, wish I was there to help you out with the walkies and slippery floors. Hang in there buddy, it will be o.k.

Cisco Kid Ochoa
Airehead Terror Extraordinaire and his humans.

Faya said...

Oh Lulu ! The last picture shows us everything. Thank you so much. Our prayers are still for you.
Kisses, Véronique & Faya & Dyos

Hollie and Janie said...

Oh! That is the most wonderful thing ever! What a truly incredible gift for all of you!! I've always believed that airedale kisses are the best medicine!! You are all a constant in my heart, prayers, and thoughts!!
We love yall!!
Hollie and janie

ThePainterPack said...

God bless those nurses. Some people really understand the healing power that the love of a furry has on someone sick. I know Klaus felt Bogart there just as he hears every word you read to him. You all are still in our prayers, and will continue until Klaus goes home to be with you and Bogart!

Painter Pack

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh how wonderful that the nurses let Bogart go and see his Dad. We had secretly been hoping this may happen and it has.

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Molly, Taffy and Hilary

The Airechicks said...

What WONDERFUL ANGELS the nurse are....

What a gift for your family, our world has some amazing loving folks in it....

These are the most beautiful pictures..

We LUV you guys so much...


Daniella said...

Crying yet again to read your blog. What unbelievable nurses you have, you are so blessed. Didn't I write yesterday that I so hoped Bogard could visit his Daddy and then there he was!!! Overwhelmed. I am sure it will help, that Klaus knew he was there..that it buoyed his spirits.
Praying every day for Klaus, Lulu and Bogart...

Daniella and Axel

Moco said...

This is wonderful. Medicine came a long way when they allowed Bogart into the ICU. We know that Klaus knew he was present and could feel all of your love. The circle of healing vibes continues.

Duke said...

Mom has tears rolling down her cheeks as she's reading this! We are so glad those angelic nurses let Bogie in to see his dad! We can feel the love!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo have some grrrrreat staff there!

Mom is leaking as she paws this fur me!

My paws are still khrossed and when we go fur our walk later, I'll be sending LOTS AND LOTS of extra SibeVibes (aka HAIR!)!


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

We are so glad that Bogie was allowed to see his dad - it must have helped, it just must have.

Lulu - I admire your strength, I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through.

We are here for you, always.


Brooke, Greg, Charlie & Opy

Kelli said...

Hi Lulu and Bogart!
I am soo happy that Bogie was able to come vist his dad! Maybe the aire-kisses were just what he needed to jump start that miracle we are all hoping for! It warms our hearts to see your family together like that and hopefully we will see you together again outside of the hospital very soon! Still thinking of you all the time.
-Tibby and Family

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the nurses let Bogart visit Klaus. All of you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

April and Sophy

Pugsley and Lola said...

Lulu & Bogart-

Thank you for sharing Bogarts hospital visit us:) It is amazing the healing power of dogs!!

Lots pug kisses coming your way:)

Pugsley & Family

Ruby Bleu said...

Bogart is the best medicine!!! That is so wonderful you were able to do that!!!! I'm sure it made a may not see it right away, but I just know it did!!!

Continuing to thing good thoughts!!!

Love, Michele & Ruby

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, we are sure having Bogart there was the best medicine. We will keep all of you in our thoughts and purrs/prayers. Mommy & the doggie don't purr very good, so they will pray. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis, Fenris & Alasandra

Lynne said...

Like the others, I'm amazed and so grateful those incredible nurses allowed a dog to visit. There aren't many hospitals that would go for that. I'm thinking Klaus is in good hands—theirs and yours.

All our prayers and thoughts are with you. Bless your heart. And now Bogart knows exactly where Dad is and what is going on.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I so hope that Boggarts visit will bring that miracle. :( I'm so sorry to be visiting for the first times on such sad circumstances too. We will continue to pray.
~Dee and Ludo

Lady Kaos said...

Dear Bogart & Lulu,
I'm sending Klaus some Kaotic hugs and healing vibes. That is so great Bogart got to go to the hospital. I hope you have good news soon!!!!
Lady Kaos

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

We are so glad you all could spend time together and we are praying for a miracle and keeping all of you in our thoughts.

xxx Asta (oz) and Louise

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hi Buddy,

It's sooooo cool you got to go and visit your dad, and I am sure he will get better now that he has some dog lick on his hand, cos dog lick fixes everything!

Luv C$

Lillie Valentine said...

I am so glad that Bogart got to go see his daddy....I was going to suggest it- we had a friend who had a cat and the wife brought the cat to the hospital and it slept on the bed by her husband. There is nothing more special than that bond between Bogart and his dad. And now he can understand why dad's not home (I truly believe they know more than we give them credit for). We will continue to pray that Klaus improves and will continue to check on you. I hope you are taking care of yourself as well. Love and Prayers, Miss Lillie and Amy

Dexter said...

Oh Bogart! What a wonderful gift for your dad and your mama too! I am sure your aire-zen helped.


Miss Ellie and Baz said...

Bogie and Lulu, what a wonderful thing, getting to go and visit your daddy in the hospital. We are SURE your daddy knew you were there with him Bogie. He will have felt your love.
Your kisses will go a long way to helping your daddy.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Stay strong Lulu.
Sending hugs to all of you.

Jo, Miss Ellie and Bazzy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Moose said...

Moose and I are praying that you get your miracle! I am so glad that Bogart was allowed to visit. I remember how much it meant to my mom when we were able to bring her dog, even when she was not fully aware. Your family is strong and that will go a long way in this fight. Hang in there!
Moose + Dana

Eric said...

Bogart.I'm so wagging pleased you were able to go and vist you Dad and give him some especially good Bogart loving. The last photo of your little family is so very moving but powerful, it says it all. I'm sending all my prayers for you from this side of the pond. Take care. Eric xx

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

will u aksept purrz an purrayerz frum a tabbycat?
i am sendin dem yer way ...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Now how pawesome is that!!!! Those nurses deserve a lot of praise and thanks!!!! Bogart is probably the best medicine Klaus has gotten so far. And I am sure it helped Bogart to know now that Klaus is somewhere safe and being cared for by what sounds like a phenomenal staff.

God bless - and Mom has big tears running down her face.

Woos, the OP Pack

Anonymous said...

Dear Bogart and Lulu,

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

The Montreal Bogart (aka the big black lab mutt)

Shannon said...

I've been sent here by Mango and Meeshka and about half of the blog world I'm sure. My hearts and thoughts are with you and Bogart and the rest of your family at this time. Best wishes to Klaus for his recovery.

Doctor Dre said...

lulu, and bogart.

as i write this i am in tears. i have not written to you until today, i am so sorry. i see pictures of him in the hospital and we are devastated. i am so glad that they let klaus be with bogart at the hospital. please give him kisses for me & kevin. we love him so much.


Stanley said...

Sweet Lulu,

We are sending extra juicy goob smooches to amazing nurses! That last photo says it all. All of us here in GooberStan love you and are praying for you and especially for Klaus and his recovery!

Lisa, Stanley & Stella

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my..oh my! Those nurses totally rock!! Wonder if our zen got to them and they allowed it??...Bogart when you have the prayers, zen, pawsitive energy and sheerbuttheadedness from dogs, kitties and hammies from all over the world?? Good things happen, Bogie! We loved loved loved those pics.

Mumsie and Bruvver sneaked our last wire foxy into the hospital to see her dad the night before he had heart surgery that was in his case very risky. He was lying alone in his room and in they walked with Sarge wrapped up under a Penguin's blanket. He laughed the whole time and did well from the surgery...the power of the paw and love indeed.

You continue to all be in our thoughts and prayers...we put a pic on our bloggie of a forest in Oregon...when we think of you we see you and your dad walking through that healing forest. Thoughts have the power to heal!!

Love you more than our paws can reach across the continent!

Scruffy, Lacie, Stanny and Mumsie

Anonymous said...

Bogart and Lulu...

We continue to pray for your family...Mom has done nothing but think of you three all day and I've just been beside myself...

We love you all...


Lorenza said...

Sure it was nice from the nurses to let you bring Bogart to see his Dad.
I know he went there will all our energy and good vibes!
Paws crossed.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Kirby said...

What wonderful nurses Klaus has taking care of him. I think that nothing is better for Klaus than all of your love Lulu and all of the Love Bogart showed him last night. We truly believe in the power of the paw and know that Bogarts' visit will help bring Klaus the miracle we are all waiting for. Please know that you remain in our constant thoughts and prayers.

With love,

Kirby & Kirstin

Asta said...

We just got home.Mommi ad Daddi have been on the woad since this mowning to pick up mommi's paintings..They couldn't get to a pootew, but called fwiends and heawd about this amazingly wondewful gift fwom the nuwsies..Evewy song Mommi played in the caw she thought of you..the pwayews nevew cease..Mommi and I wake up doowing the night sevewal times and ouw fiwst thought is pleez let Bogie's sweet Daddi Klaus get well..I'm ovewjoyed that you wewe able to all be togethew..The pictoowes make us cwy , but also feel the love in youw family.
We love you and awe sending all the pawsitive tewwiew love and vibes
smoochie kisses
Asta love and hugs to Lulu , Klaus and bogart from Ami and George

Ruby said...

Hi Lulu,
How wonderful that Bogart got to see Klaus and that you were all together again for a little while. It just seemed so, so sad that Bogart couldn't know where his dad had gone. I told a work mate the story about Bogie waiting for Klaus to come through the door, and she was reduced to tears as well as me.

Yea for the nurses for being so kind and thoughtful!

Still thinking of you all everyday and sending healing thoughts your way.
xxx Kay and Ruby

SouthWest Airedales said...

Lots and LOTS of Airedale Zen from here, from LOTS of Airedales and their uprights too !!
Rusty and crew in Las Vegas
Henry,Harry,Shaggy,Amber,Toby,Roo,JaneEyre,BelAire,Bronson, Kobe and Shadow

Anonymous said...

oh how wonderful Bogart could visit Klaus. Thank you for posting about this.

We are with you all, every step of the way.

The Power of The Paw eh?

lots of healing vibes, Jeannie and Marvin xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful that exceptions can be made to rules. This family time with the three of you together has got to be really good medicine for your dad. We continue to howl to DOG for your papa to be better.
-The Bumpass Hounds

The Furry Kids said...

What a beautiful gift for all of you! We're still purring and purraying for all of you.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh my gosh. Mom just found your blog. She knew you, Bogart, from myspace from long ago. You told her about blogging... it just took her a long time to get here. We are reading, through tears, your story. We only wish we had been here to read it as it developed, to wish you love and warm nuzzles every day. Thank you, Bogart (and Lulu) for sharing this. Your memories will be with you always, and what wonderful tribute.....
Jake and Fergi