Mom and dad are crazy. We drove here in one day from Los Angeles. That's 15 hours in the car. Yes, it's completely insane. But honestly, the kitties were pretty miserable in their carriers and hey, since I wasn't the one driving, it was fine with me. Lots of walkie breaks and yummy rest stops so I wasn't really complaining.

So these are the first - and albeit, crappy - photos of me in my new backyard. Well actually, they're photos of me waiting outside the back door to get back inside to see what all of the fuss is about. Lots of boxes have been opened, stuff is flying around, and ohmydog is there space to run! The kitties are busily finding places to hide, and I'm busy "helping" dad assemble things.

You guys all told me how much fun a backyard is and I really couldn't appreciate it until I had my own. I've got grass, a shed, some concrete, and the all-important mudhole in which to practice my digging. This is HEAVEN!

Mom thinks she's funny teasing me with my surfer-dude stuffie. See how I feign no interest? That's for her own good...


Ok mama, stop playin'... GIMME THAT STUFFIE

More photos to come - we still do not have internet at our house, hopefully the oh-great-bringer-of-internet will be arriving sometime today.
To Aire is Divine
I am so happy that you are all safe in the new house now....waouw 15 hours in a car....I guess you all need some rest now. Enjoy your new backyard !
Kisses, Faya
Whoooooooohooooooooooooo! You made it, Bogie! We're so happy for all of you! We can't wait to see pictures of your back yard! Have you poo'd in it yet?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Glad you arrived safe. I'm sure you're going to have the bestest summer in your garden, whee!
Cassidy x
Smooches all around, especially to the kitties and the drivers! Stinkin' glad you all made it and that you're romping in a yard of your own. (I'm still waiting for your new address so I can send my pee sample to christen the grass.)
Looks like you're busy overseeing the settling in and all, but I'm SO excited for you guys!
Goober love & smooches,
Sure is nice to know that you and your family are at your new home now!
I know you will be happy there!
Kisses and hugs
Yeah, you've got a backyard Bogie, I'm soooo jealous. Are you loving it? You'll have to tell me all about it, so I can dream of the day when I get my own yard. I'm so happy you made it through the 15 hour car rid. You are a trooper! Can't wait to hear all about your new digs and your new town. I'm so glad you are safe and happy!
Your pal,
Good stuff Bogie. Glad you arrived safely after that long drive. Can't wait to see pics of you exploring your new yard. You wont know yourself matie lol.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hey Buddy,
Im glad you made it to Portland safely! Oh, and make sure you say hi to LilC$ for me to ok!
Hello Bogart..we are so you glad you made the journey safely.
You will have some fun in your new yard! Any tips on digging just shout up!!!!
Happy New Home to you all.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets
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