One of my best buddies Robin (he's on the left) isn't feeling well... He's one of Mareike's Dales in Los Angeles. We're not sure yet what's wrong, and of course he's a typical Airedale and being all stoic... But he needs our help.
I really need all of my doggie friends all around the world to turn on the Dog Zen for my pal. I don't want him to be sick, and I don't want Mareike to be worried!
So Mareike, since I can't give you an Aire Kiss in person, here's one of my favorite photos of us back at the Good Microbrew:
I know he's going to be ok - Aire (and all Doggie) Zen is that powerful!
We're sending out TONS of AireZen for Robin! We hope you feel better soon!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I am sending Robin a lot of swiss kisses....
We're on it Bogart.....
AIREZEN - to Robin & Mareike....Feel better Big Guy...
Please let Mareike know we're thinking about her and the Dales....
Hey Bogart, I hope your pal Robin feels better soon. Please keep us posted! J x
Hi Bogart,
I'm sending out all the Aire Zen I can for Robin. I sure hope that he feels better real soon.
Your pal,
Lots of Zen is on its way from me....I just know it works too and your pal will be just fine. I am sure you are still worried though.
I will rest up and send some intense ESP his way! Let him know that if he feels a jolt not to worry! It's just me and some intense rested up power to heal him!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Oh no, we hope Robin is ok. We're sending loads and loads of aire-zen to Robin and Mareike. Let us know how he gets on.
Thanks Bogie
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
I have my paws crossed for Robin. I hope he feels better soon!
Kisses and hugs
A HUGE box of Terrier Zen...(extra Airezen from Babystan) is being overnighted to Robin....we're thinkin' of you and Mareike and him all the time.....Hang in there Bogie...it's tough to be worried bout a friend!!!
Terrier hugs and kisses...
Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan
Hey, Bogart!
I'm sending boatloads of AireZen and healing goober smooches Robin's way! He's a very woolly sweet looking sort of buddy, and we're pulling for him.
Keep us posted, B-gart!
Also, pass on some juicy goober smooches to Mareike for me.
Goober love,
Hi Bogart,
I've been reading your blog anonymously for some time now. I just thought I'd send some good thoughts your friend's way. I have 2 boys who can muster up some great CorgiZen for ya! (I also have a little girl of the human variety who just LOVES looking at your pictures!)
Keep us posted!
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