It's SUNNY today in Portland - in February - so that means that we HAVE to get out and go for a walk...

Mt. Tabor it is!

Come on dad, you're walking waaaay too slow for my taste. I haven't been here in awhile now, I have to reacquaint myself with all of the smells...

How cool is this tree? Caught my attention because it smelled AWESOME, caught mama's because it was so goofy looking.

Oh, we're going this way?

Let's go!

As always, walkie = hungrie. And yes, we were close to Hawthorne and a hot dog sounded mighty good. Fast, yummy, and since it was so nice outside and we could eat on the street - executive decision made.

I've seen lots of humans on these things - curious creatures, they are.

While waiting for the hot dogs to arrive, dad got to enjoy a frosty brew.

We all really like Zach's Shack - they have so many varieties of hot dogs, and especially because they can make veggie ones for mama.

Lots of fun people walking by today - much Airedmiration for me - sometimes that meant I had to get out of the way, sometimes not so much.

This is my new pal Jay. He has an Airedale at home!!!

I liked him immediately.

He has a girl Airedale, I like girl Airedales...

So I went in for a big fuzzy smooch.

Luckily not only did he understand, but he was completely cool.

One more big smooch Jay, give this one to your pretty Airegirl for me!

Now back to business - hot dogs have arrived. Which one is mine dad?

Mmm... the spicy mustard and sauerkraut is mama's, the Chicago dog is dad's. Guess which one I prefer?

Yep, you can pass that veggie dog over to mama, I'm hoping for a taste of Chicago...


I got the last bite - yep, I was concerned that I wasn't going to get any, but dad did come through.

Maybe I'll try a *little* bit of mama's... if I have to...

To Aire is Divine