Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Yaire!

So how did YOU spend the first few hours of 2009? Sleeping off the night before? Continuing the party from the night before? Not I - a morning walkie is IMPERATIVE, I don't care if there is a torrential rain...

There are sticks to be collected - I've been trying to convince mama and dad that these are for the fireplace, but just between you and I they're not... they are for my personal use in the backyard. Don't tell 'em ok?

While the rain isn't great, I've gotta say that I still like it compared to the massive snow. The city of Portland just shut down during our snowstorm, and that was not fun.

So did you or your humans do anything crazy last night? Here at the Handsome Devil household, we really do know how to par-tay. You know, getting nuts, drinking too much, breaking things, etc. Just not this year...

Yup, I climbed into bed with dad to watch some TV.

Note the extended paw for more extreme relaxation.

Every once in awhile I'd look up to see if the ball was dropping, but mostly it was just something on the History or Discovery Channel. Woo-hoo - PARTY ANIMALS..

Hope you all have a very happy and healthy 2009!



To Aire is Divine

Chez Bogart


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bogart!
You had a great start of this 2009!
A nice walkie to collect your sticks!
I fell asleep waiting for that ball to drop!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

Lying around sounds great to me. It was single digit degrees so I didn't go out this morning.

Good job starting a stick collection.

Dude! I have now officially been blogging for a year and I owe it all to you! Thanks.


Dandy Duke said...

Mom and dad started off the day by shoveling snow and then we went for walkies! It was only in the teens! Naaaaaaaaaaa, we'll take snow over rain any day, Bogie!
Happy New Year to you and your mom and dad!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Party Animals
We didn't do much on New Years day. We sat infront of the puter chatting to our blogging buds for the morning then went for a walk us the village. It was a good day.

All the best matie for 2009.


Stanley said...

Hey, Bogart!

I believe that you in the Handsome Devil household know how to par-tay, but I also believe you know when EXTREME relaxation is called for, that there is no shame.

As for Stella & I, we went for really butt-freezing walks first thing this morning. I happen to love the feeling of my butt beginning to freeze, and Stella even likes it. My girl is the one who belly aches about it.

Happy happy new year, man!

Goober love,

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy New Year.

Putting your paws uo looks a good thing to do on New Year's Eve.

Molly and Taffy

Unknown said...

Great 2009 start...A new stick and walkie! What more could you really ask for?! I knew it snowed a massive amount there because Mom ordered a bag from a warehouse there and they said the warehouse was shut down for an entire week because of snow! Whoa! That's a lot of snow! Really, you don't mind the rain? I HATE getting wet! Really, I HATE it!

Love, Herc

Eduardo said...

Great way to spend the final day of 2008! Happy new year!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Joe Stains said...

Happy New Year!!! I totally snoozed away the beginning of 2009!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy New Year Dood!