Saturday, January 17, 2009

FH Steinbart

F-i-n-a-l-l-y I get to go out. Mama was working a lot this week and thus my life was less than super exciting. Today there is a brewing demo over at FH Steinbart... did somebody say beer?

I like this place. They have no problem with me coming in, and today it's a special event.

If you'll remember not too long ago, I had to give mama the Paw of Doom for not having her camera with her the last time we came here - now I shall rescind the Paw.

Checking out all the supplies, the newest stuff they have, and then laying down when mama told me to. Not one but two people came over to us and commented that I was the best behaved Airedale they'd ever seen. Yes I could hear them and decided not to bust mama on that (normally I would have either knocked something over, bit mama's thigh, or peed on something at that point) because, well, it felt good to hear that. Being around all of that beer-making stuff makes people HAPPY.

Dad was searching for some hops and some yeast, I was checking out some other things. Lookie here, right at nose level they have some local honey - who knew?

Because it was a special day and they were having some beer-making demos, they also were kind enough to bust out the barbecue. Dad went over to rustle up some fine snausage for us... the guy manning the grill is actually the Burgermeister of the local Brew Crew, we like him a lot.

Ok now lets get serious. That snausage is covered in beans and looks AWESOME.

Whaddaya think dad? Awesome or not?

Mmm... look at that look on dad's face. AWESOME-ness.

Ok dad, thanks for letting me know that OUR snausage is good. I'm ready to partake. Sure, have a little swig of your own homebrew. Then break off my piece, ok?

Um, dad... I'M WAITING...


Oh gosh, he's taking waaaaaaay too long eating. What's with that dad? It's a snausage, meant to be inhaled...


Mmmm.... my piece falls from the sky. Yummo.

Are you going to finish that?


Excellent, I'll help ya with that. No need to waste even those beans!

I'm so eco-conscious, eh? Just doing my part...




Lorenza said...

Hi, Bogart!
Sure it was nice to go out and see interesting things!
Those beans looked tasty!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

That sausage and bean masterpiece sure looks yummy - with some brew to wash it down! Oh boy oh boy oh boy! You are one lucky Dale!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

I would have thought you'd have gotten at least half that sausage & bean roll.....your dad nearly scoffed the lot....hmmmm. I hope he remembers his manners next time Bogie!!!


Agatha and Archie said...

ANd of course if you wanted to be really good and save the earth you could have eaten the paper as well..Imagine taking that long to eat a sausage....Love A+A

Joe Stains said...

Now that looks like a fun day!! I sure am glad you got to sample some of that snausage and beans. Mom said no way do we get beans like that, it would be fart-fest 2009 over here!

Hollie and Janie said...

I am so impressed with how well-behaved you were. That barbeque and beer sure sounds and looks divine! Your dad should have so shared more than a tiny morsel with did look delicious!

The 3 G-Dales said...

Ah Bogie Boy ~

Good work there with Dad on your special day out. Looks like you were good, we just knew you'd get a little SOMETHING! And Golly, our Lola is blushing you are so cute! Ya such a good doobie, Bogart!

The G-Dales

Stanley said...


So, you were doing your impression of a well-behaved Airedale huh? Good one.

Glad to see your eco-friendliness extends to the beans and snausage remnants.

Goob smooches to your mama for bringing the camera. We (read here: my girl) LOVES all the close ups of your patient face!

Goober love,