I've just tasted something so wonderful, so unusual, and so fun that I just had to share.
Mom was eating some spaghetti (just a little butter and some fresh parmesan cheese) and I was watching, curious as to exactly what it was. So she offered me a fork-full, apparently expecting that I would show little to no interest in it. Well she was WRONG. Not only did I show interest, but I ate the entire thing!
I know the photos look a bit SCARY - I thought so too once I saw them - but it's only because it's night time here. I have to say that I'm getting quite the education this week on human eating implements - the other day it was chopsticks (with my shabu shabu) and today it's a fork. But indeed, I always get the food so however the humans want to serve it to me, well that's just fine...
Hello. Véronique use to give me my spagheti with tomatoes sauce (I have to go back to school for my english)... but no cheese.... miam miam .....
OONIES!!!!!! I love oonies! I don't care what kind of sauce they have on them! Mom feeds me off a fork too! She says I'm not as grabby because the fork will poke me! Mom is right! They sure look yummy Bogie!
Love ya lots,
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