I am Bogart Handsome Devil, Airedale Terrier and dog-about-town. I'm growing up in front of the entire world here on my blog... sharing my world with crazy cats and my mama Lulu. The King of Terriers is in da house!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Light My Fire
Some fun today in Griffith Park - after being locked in the car while mom and dad checked out India Sweets & Spices in Los Feliz (which they really really liked) and getting cranky about it, we got to take a nice hike in Griffith Park which is close by.
Not terrifically exciting until I found a verrrrry big stick that made me feel like a MAN.
Kewwwwl stick Bogie! You, if I were there, I'll be hanging off the other hand of the big stick, and it would seem like we were holding hands..er.. almost!
Kewwwwl stick Bogie! You, if I were there, I'll be hanging off the other hand of the big stick, and it would seem like we were holding hands..er.. almost!
Your dreamgirl,
Miss Sunshade
WOWY WOW! That was a furry big man stick! You DA MAN! um...er...you DA DOG!
Stick! That looked like a small tree!
Waouh how strong you are Bogart...
Kiss, Faya
Whoa!!!!!!!!! You ARE the man Bogie!! You've got me panting in CT and it's darn cold here today!
Love ya lots,
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