So today I got dragged into the shower stall with dad by the evil mom. After a thorough scrubbing (apparently it took two full shampoos to de-stench me) and a few too many bucket rinsings, I was pronounced clean. I ran throughout the apartment proclaiming my newfound cleanliness, and rubbing against everything I could find. The "Aire Dry".
I went to show Kafka, the orange tabby, how clean I was and the look in his eye said it all... so I just gave him a big head kiss and went back to my fluff-and-fold.
Another bath???!!!!! Your people are sure bath crazy at your house! Maybe you need to just learn to like it Bogie! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Ah, Bogart, they do so love to get rid of our unique smells, don't they? I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and let you know that as soon as my human can figure out blogrolls I would like to add you. I'm having my human add you to my Google reader so I can make sure I keep up.
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