A place that I hope to visit someday, it looks like a spot I'd like an awful lot of SERIOUS fun...
But in the meantime a bit of GooberStan was right here in sweltering hot Los Angeles! I'm a bit late in posting about the FANTASTIC box that arrived from that great, fuzzy place because of some technical issues with my secretary (that's mom). She will, of course, apologize profusely for the oversight.

Hell, in the meantime, I'm busy enjoying this cool box 'o stuff - not just one but TWO bandanas (a camo and a skull one, I feel SO BADASS), treats, bully sticks, a tennis ball-and-holder, a kitty note pad (LOVE this), a patch that says Dale (this made mom l-a-u-g-h...), a c-r-a-z-y squeaky fish (that I'm not allowed to play with at night... apparently I get a little carried away and the sound alerts the humans while they're sleeping), a stuffed octopus (this is officially my newest favorite stuffy - right after the chicken-on-a-rope that I got from Charlie & Opy and the tennis-ball-attached toy I got from Faya, and the squeaky carrot I got from Maggie & Mitch - as you can see it's already got some fine Los Angeles dirt all over it).
I hope you noticed that mom and I tried to put in as many cute Dale-nose-shots as possible - just for you!!!!
Then the piece-de-resistance, a Stanley magnet, or as we've been calling it, The Stangnet. It's on our refrigerator at mom's eye height, so she can see it every time she reaches for more cold, frosty iced tea (which she will invariably spit out of her nose when she laughs - it's really quite endearing).
Thought you’d also like to see what the box that the Firehouse Dogs poster came in… ah, my dreamgirl…