Mom has been going on for awhile now about my scraggly ears... ok, so maybe they're a teeny tiny bit scruffy and overgrown, but hey, I'm not really into anyone plucking out the hair on my delicate ears. So today mom got out the scissors and trimmed away all around the outline so that they're nice and triangle-shaped. I've still got lots of black in my ears which means I still get to be spoiled like a baby mom!!!
At first I was a bit embarrassed - my ears looked so short now! - so I didn't want to put my ears forward in the photos to show 'em off...
I was doing everything to thwart mom's efforts to take a nice photo of her handiwork.
Nice try mom! I laugh in the face of your pathetic attempt at ear-tography...
Even Behemoth the cat thinks it's a lost cause...
Your ears look pretty darn good to me Bogie! Actually ALL of you looks pretty darn good to me Bogie!
Love ya lots,
I like your ears either way, scruffy or neat! J x
Ears...smears---they look good to me :)
Hey Bogart:
Tell Mom the scruffy look is IN...
Great photos....maybe shouldn't laugh right to Mom's face - she might become more determined to catch you in ackward moments and publish those shot - you know like the stalkernazi's....
My girl is totally making me post this, but she has almost wriggled off her chair - she's in spasms of laughter and admaireration of your scruffy cuteness. She especially loves any photo where it looks like you're squinting or scrunching up your eyes in any way. (Sheesh! It's a bit embarrassing. Please forgive her).
I think Behomoth is also quite expressive, facially speaking. Did he copy your look, did you copy his, or do you just look that much alike naturally?
Goober love,
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