First, there was a movie with a cute dog. Everyone thought he was an Airedale, but his lack of the distinctive black saddle made Airedale owners everywhere know that while he was awfully cute, and he certainly was an (Irish) Terrier, he was no Airedale. So there simply HAD to be a sequel, this time with not one mighty Dale, but two...
Starring the two cutest Airedales ever to fall in love over the internet... Bogart & Sunshade.
This is the poster that my dreamgirl Sunshade sent me... while I still don't have the pictures of me licking and kicking the box it came in (mom says later today and also the pictures of me with my new super package from Stanley), this is the poster. It's sooooooo cool!!!! Mom says we're going to have it framed so I can always see my dreamgirl...
DOGGGGGG, Bogart!!
That is a frickin' cool poster!! You two already are as famous as movie stars, so why not?
That Sunshade is a lucky pupgirl. I DO hope you get to meet snout to snout someday. These internet romances are steamy, but difficult sometimes.
Let the celebration continue! I say celebrate until your half birthday!!
Viva la BOGART!!!!
Goob love,
Bogart, are you going to sell those?? We'd buy! They would look pawsome in our puppy room where we hang when mom works. It's got lotsa toys and stuff, but no artwork. Lacie tried to decorate the walls yesterday with her teeth. Dad just nailed "corner" protectors on the wall tonight and I saw bitter apple gel in a bag on the counter. No chewed dry wall for Lac tomorrow! We'd love a poster of you guys!
Artsy Barks,
Scruffy and Lacie
That is the coolest ever poster of you and Sunshade! We are so glad that you are still enjoying your birthday! Tomorrow China Cat will be 11 years old and that's 60 according to the Cat Age Conversion Chart!
We hope that you and your family will have a great holiday weekend!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
That is one cool poster, Bogart! You & Sunshade look so cute together!
Hey Bogie, how cute is that! J x
bogart: just saw the poster! since Firehouse Dog didn't make enough coin to warrant a sequel we appreciate your efforts to get it going! we thought about casting airedales but they were too big for the skateboarding stunts. you were right: rexxx/dewey was played by four of your cousins, irish terriers.
anyway, enjoy being a dog with such a great owner! we love all your nick-names, specially "little bastard." glad this link popped up on google.
mike werb,
firehouse dog
Awesome poster Bogie! I love it!
Love ya lots,
Your dream girl is lovely, Bogart. You look great together. What a nice looking couple.
OH MY BOGIE!!!!! Are we gonna be famous and live the real Hollywood dream???? Maybe that's my chance to move in with you...*blushing*...
This is way too cool that Mike Werb wrote ya. We TOTALLY need a sequel starring Airedales!
Your dreamgirl,
Miss Sunshade
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