Ok, they aren't all ducks there are some geese, seagulls, pigeons, and other birds but to me they're all just ducks.
And they make a helluva ruckus when you run through them while they're sleeping. I'm not even that interested in chasing them very far or even catching them, but take a listen to what I'm talking about:
And some of them are BIG! Still, it was nice to go somewhere different than our usual walkie so no complaints from the peanut gallery.
Hey there Mr Bogart - taht looks like a great fun place to go for an adventure
Happy easter holidays
Paw Power
We have goosies and duckies here and I love to chase them and make they fly back into the pond! This is MY yard, not theirs!
Love ya lots,
Hey Bogart:
Did you get to roll in the "POOPIE"
Miss Sunshade would have loved to be with you.....
Nice walk ...you were a very nice boy..
Real live birdies!! I am jealous all I have is a stuffed managerie that includes a mallard, goose, wood duck and a pheasant!!
Have a happy happy day!
Wet nose smooches - Dory
That looked like fun. I love to chase the kitty but she makes these strange kissing noise (mom: I think you mean hissing) and then someone always picks her up!
Heyya Bogie!
I get excited just seeing one of those nasty little crows down the sidewalk! I'm not sure that I could control myself w/all those birds!
I thought you were very restrained. I would have chased them and barked like a maniac. We have lots of seagulls here and all they do is try and poop on your head or steal food from you. I've had several near misses! J x
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