It was a DWB Wine and Cheese Pawty and admittedly I was disappointed that I didn't get any cheese (bad tummy) or any wine (not over 21), but I still managed to have a good time. I mostly reclined (those watching my webcam can attest to this) while I had my secretary - ahem, my mom - typing for me which was very, very comfy. Lots of Airedales there on Sunday - we kind of took over the chatroom for a little while - but it was FUN!!! And for me and Oscar is was GREAT pickings as the girls outnumbered us!!! A visit from Miss Sunshade, my dreamgirl, made my day!!! Both of the Maggie's were there (Miss Maggie & Maggie2), as well as Putter and Faya all the way over in Switzerland! And the Airechicks were there! And JaffeBoy, Jaffa, Comet and Blu, gosh I feel like I'm missing so many great doggies that I talked with, but I had such a good time with you all...
Congrats DOGS WITH BLOGS - I remember you back when I was the only member other than Charlie and Opy!!!!
So after the chat we went out for lunch, to the local Good Microbrew. Always fun, and they never have a problem with doggies in their outdoor eating area (I'm always AMAZED when restaurants won't let dogs on their outside tables!!!!).
Mom STILL wouldn't give me any of the yummy cheese on her sandwich (something about me still pooping like pudding, but whatever) so I tried to steal some from a neighboring table where they'd left some behind.
Oops - BUSTED!
I did try to get at least a little beer - in honor of DWBs anniversary, of course! - but Dad finished his WHOLE beer by himself... ah well, maybe next time.