Now here's a great idea!
From my buddies over at DogsWithBlogs, it's called Paw it Forward! Blogging can be a lonely existence sometimes, especially if it feels like no one is reading your ever-so-important words. Comments (well, good ones that is) make us all feel warm and fuzzy, so the idea is this: Visit the Paw it Forward page on DogsWithBlogs and click on the blog listing. Check out five new blogs that you've never looked at before and don't forget to leave comments!
This way we all know that we are not alone... (and of course they were cool enough to include my picture on the banner - how can you not love that??).
See all the latest news on my other blog:
Hi Bogart,
WOW - a secret blog we didnt know about! Very Cool!
Aw shucks, this was my first blog before mom built my "fancy" one...
I saw you on Mugsy's site and I just had to stop by. Man, I need to start my blog up again. In the meantime, I'll be stopping by yours daily to see what's up in the world of Airedales.
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