Thursday, July 02, 2009

Time for Art

It's hard to believe that it's already time for another First Thursday - the art walk day here in Portland. The weather is still quite hot, so some rolling in dirt was going to be my first stop (and mama thought that by walking for awhile before we started our art walk would tire me out - ha!).

Look at all of these people. All out and about and looking at art. How cool is that?

I too wish to look at art. Primarily outside.

This outdoor section is relatively new - just outside of PNCA - and when the weather is this lovely, it is quite nice indeed. There were musicians too, and most of the art (and jewelry, and clothing, and oh all kinds of stuff) was for sale.

Mama looks at the art, I sniff butts as we walk by. We're both happy.

Check out this little guy I ran into on my way home...

Such energy you have, fellow terrier! I am amused by your jaunty demeanor, and your little legs that are like springs. We must play again soon!




Stella said...

Bo Bo Bo BOGART!!!

Seriously. You should write travel guides. You could review food, places, happenings, butt sniffs, and dogs you meet. I'd totally read it & so would my girl (especially if it was peppered with plenty of juicy schnoz shots from your personal camera).

You and your mama are at the heart of the city and it's fun to see you out and about. Maybe I could wrangle my girl to take me on a trip to the great NW so we could see you in action working the crowds!

Goobery love & kissies,
Stella Bean Latifah

Hollie and Janie said...

You are such a 'dale about town! That art show looks like so much fun!


Anonymous said...

Bogart, third picture down...are you ummmm...broken (aka not 'fixed')

Dandy Duke said...

How cool that you met a new friend, Bogie!
We love your dirty tongue in the first picture! Did you just drop a stick?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

That looks like a lot of fun, I sure wish it wasn't so darn hot here, we can't even walk on the sidewalks!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Bogart,

Did ya get that pups phone #?
Looks like you all was having a good time.

It was 106 here yesterday and ther Mommies won't let us go out much.

Hvae a good 4th of Julu.


Asta said...


I wish Mommi and I could have been alongfow that fun Awt Walk..I bet when you came by, no one wanted to look at anything but you.
smoochie kisses
ASTApee ess. have a safe, happy independance Day

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bogart!
Looks like a pawesome walkie!
Have a happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs