8 years ago today I was standing in the Stratosphere Hotel in Las Vegas, surrounded by friends, surprising my husband-to-be with a full-on showgirl costume (including headpiece with 6 feet of feathers floating behind me) for our wedding.
When Klaus first proposed to me I thought he was kidding. He had been drinking and was in a very happy mood, so I told him that he should ask me again in the morning - and that I would absolutely say yes if he did. If he didn't ask that would be ok, then I would know it was just the alcohol talking.
I woke up the next day and the first thing he did was ask me to marry him - again. As promised, I said yes, and then he insisted on calling my parents to ask for my hand. Funny but very sweet. Every call was answered in the same way - Klaus would call, announce that he wanted to marry me, and then - laughter. Everyone thought for sure that he was joking. Once they realized that this was not a joke, that he was really asking sincerely, then the crying and happiness started. My stepfather was critically ill at the time (he had lung cancer and passed away not long after) and was very, very touched that Klaus called.
As for a wedding, Klaus immediately thought Vegas. Sounds good to me. Then he added the words "drive through". I countered with "Elvis". And so we were married at the Viva Las Vegas wedding chapel in downtown Las Vegas - by Elvis - on July 21, 2001 at 3:30PM. White-jumpsuited, singin' and dancin' Elvis. And it was AWESOME. I kept on my showgirl costume for the entire day - getting followed by casino security everywhere I went - and we emptied the bar at the top of the Stratosphere.
Today is the toughest day I have had in awhile - Klaus' birthday was hard too - but lots of happiness when I think about that day.
Happy Anniversary Klaus
And lots of happiness when you think of this day also. Bittersweet is most apropos.
Today is a day to think of your wonderful wedding and all the joy it brought to your life. Happy Anniversary.
What wonderful memories you have! I am so happy that you have them too. Please revel in them today and always.
Peace to you, Tessa's Mom Blu
You have wonderful memories!! I am so sorry for your loss,but happy you had the time with him you had!
Happy Anniversary!!! Think only of the wonderful times. Know you have many, many animals and people in blog land that LOVE you and Bogart!!!
Bambi & Fern
Celebrate - Happy days are the best....Happy memories of all the laughter.
Klaus loves you & Bogie & the kitties so much.... It's a good day because Klaus is with you guys.
LUV you!!!
Paw Hugs!!!!
Lulu you've got some amazing memories there. Your wedding day sounds brilliant.
Thinking of you !!
the Leura gang
What awesome memories you have, Lulu! They'll be with you forever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and Sue
Happy Anniversary...
Mom says we all have memories that make us sad YET happy in that we have them to rekhall!
She says she'll lift a glass of adult beverage in your direkhtion this evening...
What beautiful memories in your heart.
Thanks for sharing this with us and we hope these hugs from Arizona help you!! *hugs*
Hi Lulu, just wanted to say a special Happy Anniversay to you! Me and my husband we also married in the same year. It is hard for you I know, just wanted to let you know that I care about you, you seem like such a sweet person. How close in age were you guys? My hubby and I are way far apart, he's actually 29 years my senior.
I hope you did something special to celebrate this day.
We know today had to have been very hard. We're glad, in spite of how difficult it must be, that you've shared some memories. You'll have them always. And the more you take time to treasure them, the stronger they'll be.
Thanks for sharing,
Jake, Fergi and our people
Happy Anniversary. What a lovely sounding wedding.
What a fantastic memory that is...we never know what tomorrow brings. So we need to hold on to these cherished memories. When life gets though, we can pull them out and smile.
Painter Pack
Thanks for sharing your memories.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
((((Hugs))) Lulu - I don't know what else to say without ending up in tears :(
Brooke, Greg, Charlie & Opy
Love & Kisses,
Véronique, Faya & Dyos
Hi, Lulu and Bogart -
We understand what you mean by bittersweet. Papa's brother passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack the day after Papa's birthday two years ago. Papa was with him when this happened.
Thank you for sharing your memories. Those are the things that no one can take away from us.
Love -
Hershey, Kaci and Mama
P.S. Mama's mother also passed away from lung cancer so we have something in common.
Big hugs from us.
Molly, Taffy and Monty. x
Thinking of you Lulu.
Big hugs from us too.
Nelly & Finni xx
Hugs to you and Bogart from Katie and me...a day late, but still...Hope today is going as well as it can, and that you and Bogart got out for some air. Hang in there. The first year is the hardest.
Dear Lulu,
My heart aches for you.. Anniversaries, birthdays, holiday seasons are the hardest.. Sending u a big hug from across the miles.
You are so brave and kind to share your memories with us. I know it is a bittersweet and mostly sad day, but happy anniversary. We love you and you are always in our thoughts and prayers!
Janie's mama
Lulu, I've been reading your blog since just before Klaus became sick.
You have been through so much I just cannot imagine. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I've checked your blog daily and have smiled with you and shared your sadness. Bogart has been such a blessing to you.
Happy anniversary to you sweet lady
give Bogart a big hug from me and my Kitty. You are admired by lots even from afar. We just started blogging about a month ago.
Madi and Mom
Hi LuLu.... Apache's Hooman Mommy here. I was scrolling down to see your wedding "gown" and it wasn't there!!??? What happened??? Paw Hugs to you and Bogart. I know this has been a very hard year for you.... I'm so proud of both of you. The whole TRIBE and I wish you a very Happy Anniversary!!
Aire Slaps to you,
Mommy Sherry and the Tribe
Hi Bogart & Lulu, I'm a bit behind at blog reading, but I really liked your post and Mom just loved how your wedding ceremony was so very Lulu & Klaus. Cherish these memories and remember all the amazing times that you had together. Bogart, make sure you give your Momma extra kisses and lots of extra love.
Your pals,
Kirby & Kirstin
Lulu, we are sooooo sorry we are late in wishing you a happy anniversary! We are very happy that you have such sweet memories! Our dad asked our mom's pawrents if he could marry her too! Some guys just know how to do it RIGHT! You will have those memories forever!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
love you,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
sorry to be late commenting Lulu.
Thinking of you.
Jeannie xxxxxx
I have no fancy words to say, but you are in my thoughts.
The Ocean is pretty big......... ;oD
I commented twice, the first time, I was kinda over awed at your courage, this time......well I meant my words both times.
Brave girl. Keep on rocking Lulu.
So sorry you are missing him now. But so glad you found him then.
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