I am Bogart Handsome Devil, Airedale Terrier and dog-about-town. I'm growing up in front of the entire world here on my blog... sharing my world with crazy cats and my mama Lulu. The King of Terriers is in da house!
One of my photos has been nominated for Photo of the Month over at The Bone Zone on my favorite website, Dogs With Blogs!!!
So everyone needs to go over there and vote... your conscience of course... for whichever photo you really think is best... there is an awfully cute one of Miss Maggie too... mine is particularly cute, an action shot, taken from a burger's point of view, of me lunging at it.
Vote April 08 DWB Photo of the Month!
Dad is home from Portland, triumphant, keys in hand to a house with a back yard. Whoopee!
I spent much of this past week at Dale Day Care - yup, that's Mareike's house - hanging with my buddies. I gotta tell you, as many cool things as there are here in Los Angeles, the ONLY one I'm gonna miss is Mareike's house. And my Dale buddies.
And even the kitties that live at the Dale house...
This past week that meant I spent my days at Dale Day Care - aka, Mareike's house - and there is truly no better place to be. Rather than being cooped up in the apartment, before she goes to work mama drops me off at Dale Day Care and then she picks me up on her lunch hour. So I get some time with my buddies and to check messages at my office, then some relaxation time until she arrives home at night. Not too shabby.
During our walk back to the Bogie-mobile, I met these two lovely ladies from Australia - and got an excellent, three-person massage while the Airedmiration flowed. They were so sweet! Mama and I stayed to talk with them for awhile on the street, so long that they lost the friends they were originally walking with! What can I say, I have that effect on people...
They were so cool - hope you enjoyed your time in SoCal ladies!
You dogs are GOOD....
We have a house! With a big, fenced backyard! In Portland! It's a little further out from the city center than mama originally wanted, but it's near an area with a lot of hiking trails, it's got a fireplace and wood burning stove to keep us toasty, oh and did I mention that I will have MY OWN BACK YARD???
Mama, dad and I send BIG AIRE KISSES to all of my doggie friends all over the world who got their Zen going so that we could find a house and a back yard. So now we'll be moving at the end of the month... I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
To Aire is Divine
Can you doggies do me a favor? I really, really want Dad to find us the perfect house and he doesn't have a lot of time (we're moving at the end of this month - yikes!). Would you all think positive-house-for-Bogart thoughts? Maybe with help from dogs all around the world we'll find exactly the right one.
Paws crossed!
Well it must have been all of the Aire Zen that I felt comin' toward me... but I'm feeling MUCH better!
So thanks everyone for all the good wishes and helpful hints - the chicken and rice has been yummy, and I haven't had a chance to try the saltines that T-Bone Beasley suggested but that sounds good too...
But in much happier and less pukey news, I got this lovely award from my buddies Maggie & Mitch - thanks guys! That really cheered me up today!!!! I'm gonna pass it along once I feel a little better.
But something new this week a-bakes. LIVER COOKIES!!!!! This is the dough on the cookie sheet, ready to bake.
And here they are - cooking into perfect little bites of livery goodness.
This is what they look like once cooked.
And this is the bowl that the batter was made in. Who wants to lick the bowl!!!!
That was tasty, but now the humans wanted to get something to eat. So instead of the usual spots, dad wanted to try somewhere different. So we loaded into the Bogie-mobile, and went to Il Capriccio Wood Fired Pizza in Hollywood.
Argh, here we go again. The service at restaurants here in LA can be soooo bad. Notice dad peering inside (there were no other customers when we arrived nor the entire time we were dining) looking for our waitress. And see the carefully-cultivated look of disdain on my Aire-face at her sub-standard service.
So, to amuse ourselves while we waited for ANYTHING to arrive, we were looking directly across the street at the local Ford dealership. Well looky looky here. Somebody can't spell - The F-150, American's #1 Turck! - and of course the ever-popular Fusion, Electricfying New Ride. Mama LOVES things like this, when someone goes to the trouble of having posters made with blatant misspellings. Makes her giggle. And I like it when she giggles!
While mom is at work, SOMEONE has to keep the bed warm. Especially her side.