Friday, November 02, 2007

It's Mom's Birthday!

Oh my gosh, this could have been SOOOOO BAD...

Mom woke up this morning and we didn't have any cat food in the house. Now those of you who don't have kitties may not understand what this means, and the terror that could ensue.

My cat buddies are SERIOUS about their morning can. They've just gotta have it, and if there is nothing in the house well then mom better run down to the store IMMEDIATELY to rectify the situation. This has happened in the past, and I agree with mom that it's best to just get the kitties what they want and no one will get hurt.

But then she had a revelation, one that literally saved the day.

The last time that dad was in Austria, he brought back two packets of Austrian cat food for the kitties... and we still had 'em!!!

Kafka (the orange tabby) and Behemoth (the grey and white spotted guy) inspected the packages for quality control. Kafka is the biggest cat, so it was important that he gave his OK.

Sekhmet (the all-black girlie) purred her approval...

Aeon (the brown tabby) needed little convincing to try to tear open the packet herself...

Whew - crisis averted.

I've spent the last few days at Mareike's house - the gal that has my 3 favorite Dales - and it's been a BLAST. Supposedly we're there because dad is working - ok, he's doing some gardening and pulling down trees, but I'm working too - I'm doing some stick rearrangement (especially when he gets them all bundled together, I like to arrange them more to my taste), some digging (ok, I'm mostly refilling holes that he's made but what does he know about digging holes?) and the occasional cheeseburger (mmm, cheeseburger). No photos of course, I don't think that dad even remembered to bring the camera over. Ah well.

Oh, and today is MOM'S BIRTHDAY!!! BIG AIRE KISSES for the coolest mom!!!




Lillie Valentine said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom!!
My mom HATES it when we are out of cat food too. She says there's NO snooze alarm on a HUNGRY kitty. We only have one but she sure can make noise.

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey you sure live with a lot of cats Bogart. We're curious as to what would have happened if there was no cat food in the house.....It must be pretty bad.

Happy birthday Bogart's mum.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Kirby said...

Happy Birthday Lulu!! I hope Bogart gave you all kinds of birthday kisses today! Good work on averting the cat food crisis. I hope they all liked the Austrian cat food. Most importantly, Bogart, did you like the Austrian cat food? He he he!

Your pal,

Ashley said...

That is so nice for you to share your house with the kitties!
Check out my Dog Blog :)

Dandy Duke said...

Happy birthday to Bogie's mom!
Would the kitties ever eat your food in a pinch like you eat their food, Bogie?

Love ya lots,

Harry said...

Yum, cat food! I love it. I always lick Flakes' bowl clean. The other day she tried to eat MY dinner though!!!

Happy birthday to mum!

Off to have a snooze, that pup is hard work!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

sarah doow said...

I'm a day late, but that's what living on the other side of the Atlantic can do to you ... happy birthday, Lulu!

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Bogart,

Glad you managed to sort out the breakfast for your feline housemates. Certainly sounds as though it would have been CATastrophic if they had had no breakfast.

Happy birthday to your Mum.

Molly and Taffy

Faya said...

Say a Happy Birthday to your Mom for me ok ? And kisses, Faya

Stanley said...

Happy Birthday, Lulu!!!

You ARE so cool... I can tell just by knowing Bogart. I won't ask how old you are, but I'm just glad you were born.

I'm sending you the present you know you're just waiting for ~ a truckload of goober smooches. They're coming your way, so be on the lookout!

Make Bogart and your man do all the housework today. It's your day off.

Goober love & hugs,

Boy said...

Thank goodness your Mom had those stinky goodness. Being a kitty mineself, I understand just how the scene would be should there be no stinky goodness for our earwy morning nouwishment.

KB said...

Happy belated to your mommy! How is it living in a house with so many kitties? I can't wait to meet my first kitty, but who knows when that will be....

Also, it sounds like you worked up an appetite for must be really strong...and helpful!

Ben & Darling said...

Happy belated birthday to your mom!! My mom has 2 evil cat at home too, so Im totally understand how you feel...and the worst is that both of them like both different brand of kibble......thats TOO MUCH!!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bogart.
Please tell your mom we hope she had a Happy Birthday!
You told me she and me share the same birthday but my mom was away since last friday!
Have a good night