Sending major Aire-Zen and positive kidney and liver thoughts to the Jaffa and Sunshade household!!! We need to get the whole doggie blogging world thinking about Jaffa so that he GETS WELL SOON!!!
I love ya man, and wish I could help you and your mama with that schedule...
We've got the AireZen flowing 24/7 and we've got toes and fingers and paws crossed here! We sure wish we could help out with that graveyard shift! You're right about Jaffa being the cutest little Aire-man in Canada!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are praying hard and sending lots and lots of Airezen Jaffa's way.
Harry, Cassidy and Katy x
We're with you Bogie and sending positive Aire-zen to the Jaffa and Sunshade household. Poor little fella, we sure hope he's ok.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Hi Bogie!!!!!!!!
We are pumping the AIREZEN out of here as fast and as hard as we can!!!!!!! So that our Jaffa MAN gets wellest soonest ever!!!!!!!!!!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
We've got the Aire-Zen going crazy here. Mom has been saying positive affirmations for Jaffa all day. Poor little fella, I feel so bad for him and his Mom, she's been working so hard. I'll keep the Aire-Zen raging till Jaffa is all better!
Your pal,
Hey Bogart -
We've got the Airezen blower going - we're with ya guy.
We've got the hotline to Grampie and all the angels that He'll soon be back to his regular wild and whooly Airedudeness.
I dont have AireZen but I have one Zen at home, I will send my mom over to Jaffa. We all love him.
sending the zen...woof woof...
i also tagged you, you handsome devil, so check out my blog
mommy says she thinks i'll be as great looking as you are when i grow up!
pup slobbers & more zen...
We've sent foxyzen, lakiezen and mumsiezen....not sure how powerful mumsiezen is, but she means well and we humor her. Poor Jaffastinky Dog...he'll never eat bad notcandy again. We're paws crossed for him, Sunshade and poor tired mom....we'd do the nightshift for her too.
Scruffy and Lacie
I'm praying and sending Zen & goob smooches to help heal the JaffaMan! I'm still trying to understand just what his current situation is, but I'm glad he's still in good spirits!
Thanks for making folks aware of our buddy!
Goober love,
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