Remember how I told you that someone built a set of stairs going up into MY park? Well, I've discovered that there is s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g in there that I want. It's a pretty hot day here in Los Angeles, but I'm determined...
Stay cool this weekend everybody!!!
What could it be Bogie? Have you caught it yet? Is it furry? It's not a snake?!!!!! OMG be careful!
Love ya lots,
Hey Bogart,
All I gotta say with
Bogart on the job we are all
safe. But if you do need backup
I'm sooooo there.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
What is the it ?? OMDog could it be a bone nnoooo maybe a stick ???
Do you have a sequel in production ???
Stay cool.....
Oh Bogart... I love the international moustache of mystery! You are so clever. Do, did you find anything interesting under the stairs???
Hi, Bogart. Nice to meet you. I'm Bailey in Atlanta. It is hot a blue blazes here! Stay cool, bark at ya later.
i must say that bogart is quite serious about his job!
Did you get it ? What have you find ?....
Kiss, Faya
You are the video GOD! Who is on your production crew? Did you choose the music? Did your dad finally reach his grimey paw in there to help you out?
I need answers. I hate being left in suspense, man!
If you don't have whatever was under those stairs under your paw chewing on it in your cool living room, then I suggest you get your mom or dad's butt back out there and GET IT! (Before someone else does).
Goober love,
Whoohoo! Rock it Boggie!
Nanook and Pooka
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