Well dad, this morning at 6am we walked out and saw this (notice how well I model the new steps):
Yes, someone went and built stairs. I have no idea of who did it but someone did. A big thank you to whoever got out the power tools and did that because it works really well! I was a little surprised when I first saw it, but hey, I've been able to do stairs for some time now...
Mom wasn't able to catch much in the way of fun "action" shots because the battery was dying in the camera (yes - again) but at least we got a few of me eagerly awaiting my stickwork.
Around lunchtime we cruised around the Echo Park lake again - you know, just so I could count those ducks again.
I kind of like watching them scatter whenever I walk through...
Time to stop and smell the... lotus
How nice of someone to build those stairs. Your dad will be so pleased to know this! You make the perfect model climbing them too Bogie! I gotta go get Mitch so he can watch you and learn a thing or two!
Love ya lots,
Wow a random carpenter - you have it made now!! It's also nice to see you post for your human when they are away - i do the same thing for my dad because when he is away and the humans chat on the phone they always forget to talk about ME.
Have a great weekend - Dory
That was a furry nice random act of kindness!
Now fer yer next trick...come on over fer a visit...we needs yer support on a furry important matter!
Wow...that is so nice of someone to do that. They must have known that your Dad needed them to take you on walkies. See there are LOTS of nice people out there!
Have a great weekend Bogie! Lots of Licks, Ruby
How can you stay so cool and pacific with those ducks ????
Kiss, Faya
Oh Bogart... I am sure your dad enjoyed reading this post. That was awesome of someone to build those stairs!!!
Nice booty shot at the end there. (Is that pose for anyone in particular)?
Good news about the stairs. I'm sure you're dad will be pleased. How's your uncle & when's your dad coming back?
Goob love,
Fanks fer signing our stroller petition - we gots 78 signatures so far!!!
Hey Bogie, why don't you chase the ducks? Can I come and chase them for you? J x
Great park! I love it when the citizenry just takes over and does what the civicry never seem to do. Bravo to your stair builder! And Bravo to the ducks too, just cause.
dear bogart,
do those duckies make good poop?
Cool stairs Bogie! Your Dad is gonna be excited for sure when he comes back again!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
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