Yes indeed, that means the Pasadena City College Flea Market! I LOVE coming to the flea market, you cannot imagine what a captive audience it is for me -- apparently these are folks who truly appreciate the finer things in life and love breeds of dog that were popular years ago (ahem, like AIREDALES). Not to mention that we're awfully spiffy looking and go with the decor...
So yes it was FUN! Lots of doggies (I saw a Collie, a Lab, a Schnauzer, several Chihuahuas, 2 Shih Tzus) and lots of terriers especially! I saw a Cairn, Jack Russel, Yorkshire, and a couple of mixes that DEFINITELY had terrier in them. They moved the market to the other side of the campus (which had mom kind of confused for awhile while I sat confident in my co-pilot seat sure that we would eventually find the parking structure). It was a lovely morning, not too hot yet which was considerate of mom (sometimes in the summer I cannot go to the flea market too late in the morning, the pavement burns my tender paws!) and while we didn't actually buy anything, we spent an hour or so just walking around and taking in the compliments. Another cool thing is that when we go it's not just me that gets compliments mom gets 'em too (people like her 1920s bob haircut). One lady even yelled out to us, "You're a perfect 20s portrait" which was pretty cool.
When it was time to leave mom was complaining that since it suddenly got sunny she wasn't that keen to drive. No problem - I'd be happy to take over the main pilot seat for ya mom!
I'll just make myself comfortable...
Mom always makes faces at the other drivers when they do something "stupid" (and this is Los Angeles, so you just KNOW someone is going to do something stupid), so here I'm practicing my "road rage face"...
I think I like being in the drivers seat, hey mom, hop over onto the co-pilot seat and lets go!
Where's my license? Um.... Ok, I guess I kinda like the co-pilot seat anyway...
Twas a fun day, even if I didn't get to drive.
PS - Get well Mareike, I missed seeing you and the Dales today!!!!
Hey Bogart...
I just love your road rage face...very scarey! Hey, did you buy any fleas?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
That road rage face of yours... not all that convincing! (While you have ample attitude, the face gives away your inner Zen).
Question. When you're in the co-pilot seat, do you ever stare down people in other cars - especially when stopped at a light? Cracks them up every time.
Goob nuggets to you, buddy!
Your road rage face is too scary! I'd get out of your way in a heartbeat!
Love ya lots,
Hi, Bogart.
Nice you and your mom got all the compliments at that flea market, sure you two deserved them!
I like your road rage face!
Have a nice day
Your road rage face needs a bit of work! J x
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