Friday, June 01, 2007

A Burger for Oscar

Hey Oscar!

I didn't let mom forget that she promised I could have a Rally burger in your honor for your birthday! It just took her a few extra days to get us over there...

It didn't take much to cajole her into finally getting my (uh, I mean OUR) Rally burger.... just a few strategic bites to the inner thighs (she HATES that) and we were there!

Hm. What to order. I'm actually a creature of habit and I do like my burgers big and simple - nothing extra fancy (unless we're going through the Jack in the Box drive-thru, then I'm all about the junior bacon cheeseburger!). So bring on a traditional Rally burger for me to toast my good friend with!

Come on mom, we've gotta get to that burger while it's still hot and tasty!

We're w-a-i-t-i-n-g...

Ok, I'll do my good dog pose mom, now CAN I HAVE THAT BURGER?

Here's to you Oscar!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY, wish you could be here to enjoy this tasty burger with me!!!



To Aire is Divine


Lux said...

I've missed you, Bogart! I'm glad you got your burger!

Maggie said...

BOGIE , the second picture of you is SOOOOOO cute (uhh , i mean handsome ;p) here in San Diego there is a liquor store called magqos (just like maggie queen of socal :) . ooh and btw , my mom is sooooo clumsy !!!!!

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hey Bogie,
Burgers are YUMMY! Cheeseburgers are my favorite. Your looking well to buddy!
Take Care,

P.S. My dad wanted me to say "Hey Bog-Dog", but I just told him he was an idiot, and an oxygen hog, and he should go and play in the traffic:-)

Stanley said...


Tell me again, what training program did you use on your mom? (Or is it mind control)?

Can't think of a better way to toast old Oscar boy!

You should really contact Rally Burger Corporate - you might get a spokespup deal out of it.

Goob nuggets for you (guess what those are),

Dandy Duke said...

What a pal you are to honor Oscar's birthday with a burger! I wish he could have been there to eat his half!

Love ya lots,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Your Mum is soooooooo well trained. I NEVER get burgers. What's your secret? Do tell!!! J x

Anonymous said...

Wow Bogart! I love BURGERS! And that burger you got looks YUMMY!!

Faya said...

ahhhh burgers....but mom said once a month it is enough.... Kiss, Faya

Kimo and Sabi said...

You are da true Burger-meister!

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Bogart...
Thanks for visiting my blog! I can't believe you got to eat a burger! My mom would never let me do must tell me all your secrets!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

PS - I added you to my blog friends!

Putter said...

Hey Bogie!

What an excellent idea! A burger to celebrate Oscar's birthday! :) Was it tastiest? Only thing is, I am sure it would have tasted betterest with Oscar there too:) Maybe next time?

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Texas's Mum said...

Hey Bogart,
COOL burger I might try your
method in getting a big burger
like that for me on my hoomans,

Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).

P.S. hope you had a good day

Deanna said...

I want a burger, too! You are a lucky man!