No complaints since we did a LOT of stick-work today (well lets be honest here, I did a lot of stick-work, the woman just stood there and threw the sticks) and it's pretty warm.
I am Bogart Handsome Devil, Airedale Terrier and dog-about-town. I'm growing up in front of the entire world here on my blog... sharing my world with crazy cats and my mama Lulu. The King of Terriers is in da house!
No complaints since we did a LOT of stick-work today (well lets be honest here, I did a lot of stick-work, the woman just stood there and threw the sticks) and it's pretty warm.
For my midday walk mom thought we'd go to Griffith Park near the Old Zoo, which I REALLY LIKE. First we made a pit stop to Rally's for a burger (drive-thru today). I could smell the burger-y goodness in the bag, but mom wouldn't let me near it in the car. Grrrrr.
But we were heading to the park for a picnic so I did my best to distract myself (an Airedale specialty) until we got there. Mom had a great plan to film my Rally-burger-destruction but alas, twas not to be. She managed to get the first part committed to film, but then somehow pressed the off button and the actual burger massacre wasn't recorded. Ah well. I look cute anyway.
Then we had our post-burger digestion walk through the park. We didn't see a single other person on the entire trail (which is odd) but I was having a blast! Off the leash, running up and down hills, doing my best to amuse myself while mom walked along.
We went through the old zoo area and up the hiking trail - it was pretty warm today but there's actually lots of shade on the trails so it wasn't too bad. Mom is also kinda smart - by getting a drink for herself at Rally's with extra ice, she had both a drink for her and some ice for me so we both stayed hydrated!
As we were about half way through the hike, we looked up and saw this:
It looked like a fire on the other side of the hill. It looked scary. Mom and I picked up the pace since we still had a long way to walk and we would actually be walking closer to where the fire was in order to get out of the park.
As we got closer, the fire got bigger and scarier so we hot-footed it the rest of the way and headed toward the safety of the Bogie-mobile. I made sure that the back seat was safe.
Then we got home, drove up the hill into our building and saw this:
So it's a BIG SCARY fire near the Hollywood sign (you can kind of see it in the last picture). Whew! Glad we got out of there (and of course, glad I got my Rally burger...). Mom says that there is no danger of our place burning, but that the Bogie-mobile is gonna be covered in crap tomorrow. I guess relatively speaking, that's not so bad...
So much walking today - I thought mom wasn't that into doing long walks with me (it's mostly dad that takes me for the long ones) but today everything was different...
My morning walkie was in Elysian Park behind my house. I got to survey some of the damage from the crazy winds we had here the other day - it's crazy! Trees were broken into pieces and knocked over. While I was surveying, a cute little sausage of a doggie came running over to me with her tail wagging and her but wiggling - mom didn't know it at first, but this was Charlotte, a girl dog that I meet up with sometimes in the park! That was fun - she's a sweetie.
I like to do my big walk in the middle of the day, so mom decided that today we were going to go to Pasadena. I think it was because she wanted a sandwich at the cafe that she likes so much, but hey, if she's going out I wanna go too!
So our first pit stop was at Lovebirds Cafe. I tried to get a little bit of her sandwich... she gave me a little piece of mozzarella cheese but basically ate the sandwich herself. I decided I needed to turn up the cute factor and jumped into her lap (exactly as you might imagine - I'm far bigger than her lap), which of course made everyone around say "Awwwwwwwwww". Just as I'd hoped.
Then we walked all the way down to Old Town Pasadena, checking out stores as we walked by and taking in all of the aire-doration. It's kind of hot out today (well, it's pretty sunny) so it wiped me out.
Mom saw that I was dragging the old tongue on the ground and we went into the new Paseo Colorado outdoor mall area so I could get a little drink from the fountain.
I jumped right up and immediately started drinking which made mom laugh - and she tried to get to the camera fast to capture this golden moment. Alas, she missed the best part but here is still a snippet of me drinking...
Gotta sleep now, need to recharge the batteries so I can drag mom out again later.
Well yesterday we dropped dad off at the airport in the morning, and at the time I wasn't sure why. I was just happy to be back in my co-pilot seat next to mom. By the evening we were back in the car going back to the airport and picked dad up. Hm. That's curious. Twice in one day. But then it got even weirder because this morning we got up and drove Dad BACK TO THE AIRPORT. What's going on?
Turns out that dad is on his way to Europe - he is from Austria - to work and visit for a few weeks. WHY WASN'T I CONSULTED? I mean I know that mom is still here and all (and she's definitely fun) but I want my d-a-d-d-y......
Mom and I were out walking today and all of a sudden it started to rain! That's a big deal here because it almost never rains, and not only did it start to rain but the wind started to whip like crazy! I was a little scared because it got so dark so fast and even mom didn't seem to know what was happening, but we made it home and closed all of the windows (the cats weren't thrilled with the wind either!). The rain is over now (still California!) but the wind is CRAZY! We went out for a quick peepee and run and I insisted on bringing my new soccer ball and guess what happened? Well this wind thing apparently steals balls and blows them down into canyons.
So now mom has to get me a new ball. She's not thrilled but I know she'll do it...
Sorry for no pictures today! It's too windy for that too!
Of course I have my own page on MySpace... and I was entered in the MySpace Dog Show in the Terrier category. Each breed has 2 winners - one who gets the most votes and then the dog of the opposite sex who gets the most votes... in the Airedale Terrier category, a pretty girl named Missy won first place and I won Best of Opposite Sex!!!!
I couldn't tell any of my blogging buddies about it because the voting had to be fair - no stumping for votes. But now that it's over I just wanna tell everybody how COOL I feel today!!!!
If you have a MySpace page too, drop by and lets be friends!
I thought, "Hey, I'd like one of those", and gave mom THE look. You dogs know what I'm talking about, head cocked slightly to one side, eyes all moist, maybe a paw raised in the air...
And lookie lookie here!
Mine isn't super fancy, mom said she wasn't sure if I was going to like it so she didn't spring for the "good" one, but I don't care AT ALL. This one is the perfect size for me and it's kind of underinflated which means I can actually get the whole thing in my mouth. Seriously.
I've only had it for one day and already there are teeth marks all over it. Some from where I got my entire Croco-dale mouth over it, others just from biting attempts.
I wonder why I've never had one of these before...
I am supposed to bite it, aren't I mom?
So I persuaded mom (that means I bit her in the thigh until she relented) to take me out for some more serious exercise this morning. Stick work mostly, lots of running, and I brought my latest disgusting tennis ball with me because I really like to chase it.
Mom throws like a girl (surprise!) and sometimes the sticks don't follow the graceful arc that she'd like them to, but with the disgusting tennis ball it's always a party.
Afterwards I'm always a little tired - and drooly - so I take a short rest while closely guarding my stick/disgusting-tennis-ball/hopefully-soon-dead-gopher.
PS - Yes apparently I DID destroy the lens on the new camera, luckily the old one still kinda works... mom says it's slow and that I have to not move so quickly so that she can get good pictures of me, but I think the ones she took today came out rather nicely...