Can you believe that it's over 90 degrees AGAIN here in Los Angeles... in March?!? Waaaay too hot for me and for the humans (the cats don't seem to mind as much as we do).
So in the late afternoon (none of us could stand to go out for my normal noontime walk) mom and I went out for some playtime in the park. And she remembered the camera...

Then mom and I were doing a little stick-work. I was particularly enthusiastic... Surprise mom!!!

You know you've had fun when your tongue is this filthy:

To Aire is Divine
yah i know what you mean , today it got 89 degrees and on sunday it got like 98 degrees waaaaaaay to HOT for this airegirl
luv ya ,maggie#2
Wow Bogie 90 degrees man that's crazy. I thought the 70 we're having tomorrow was going go be hot you've won. Mom and I both agree we'll keep our 70 thank you. Mom's a bit of a fiend when it comes to Romeo & me with our sweaters. Especially Romeo since he's such a scrawny pup. Thanks again for the support on the cancer walk. Mom's counting down the days more than I am. Gosh that's bad.
Take care.
Wirey hugs,
Boggie you have to come in Switzerland. It's nice cold here....Guess what ? Today I will have my first hambourger....yesssss
Kiss, Faya
Wow! You got HOT temps quick! Too hot for all that activity! Hey, I see two spots on your tongue! Are you and Sunshade twins?
Love ya lots,
What a great day in da park! We can't get out to dig around like that, but we're gonna get a stroller this spring - then we can scope out some gophers!
Awesome digging Bogart! I never dig like that unless it's to get mum's attention! I kept waitinf until you got that little varmit! Where was that nasty bugger anyway?
Mom said Tris would not be allowed to watch the gopher chase...Tris would want to go practice in the yard...I can't believe he got away.
Great stick skills ...hope Heidi sees you keeping up with training...
90's - your right "HOT DOG"
Hi Bogart, Looks like you are have a great time!
Hi Bogart! Thanks for paying us a visit! We love making new friends. We're having a heatwave in Pittsburgh now too...it was 70 degrees today! That's pretty good for March.
Come back & see us soon!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
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