Sunday, July 23, 2006

Always Prepared

Wow, it feels like I've been away for A-G-E-S...

It's just so darned hot here I can't even think of things to do, much less to write about. It's not that my life isn't incredibly exciting (of course it is), it's just that the excitement has been tempered by my constant panting and sleeping in front of the fan. I'm still getting in my daily time at the Echo Park Lake which is fun (before it gets too hot), and I'm quite good at carrying my own leash with leopard-print poopbag dispenser.

Just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone! I heard on the TV that hopefully this heat will begin to calm down sometime next week... it had better!!!! Such a fine dog as myself is made to be SEEN!



Melt on over to my other blog:

To Aire is Divine

1 comment:

kelly barton art + design said...

bogart...i have one of those poobag holders too! mine is
orange and i got it at the 3 dog
bakery. it's so cool and no one
else in town has one!

stay is really hot
in indiana too!