Monday, November 08, 2010

This Charming Man

Airedale in a sweatshirt...

I know... I know...


(apologies to Morrissey)




Asta said...

Dawling handsome Bogie,
I think youw sweatshiwt is vewy becoming..I bet evewyone who sees you on those pwetty Pilly stweets agwees
(that looks like the neighbowhood that my unkel, Daddi's bwuvvew lived )
smoochie kisses

Stanley said...


Man, you're willing to do a lot for your mama, aren't you? What is the first rule of terrier coolness? As if I have to ask... you know what it is... WE ARE NAKED AND WE ARE PROUD! No need to cover all that terrier goodness. No siree! What's UP with the clothes? It can't be that cold there yet, can it?

By the way, LOVED that last photo of you in your last post. My girl was seriously trying to crawl through the puter to put some lovin' moves on you. She can't get enough of that juicy schnoz of yours.

Goober love to you and your mama (and all those kitties),

Hamish said...

The momma says she always wondered if there was a Smiths connection and there you are!

Unfortunately now she also keeps eyeing off various clothing wondering what will fit us. Run away!

Oskar said...

My mom person loves The Smiths & your pictures!

Nubbin wiggles,