Sunday, November 07, 2010

Sticking Around

Oh lions of Philadelphia, how you taunt me. But I am not moved by your majesty, I HAVE THINGS TO DO.

It's time to head to the park - for a little Dale R-and-R.

Ah, Washington Square Park. The one here in Philadelphia. A wonderful place where a boy can walk, run, and...

Oh crap. So I'm NOT supposed to be in the plant beds? So then tell me this: Why are the plant beds so irresistible? The varied levels of plant life, the leafs of many colors, the flower shrubs at just the right height for a boy to pee on them...

Time to investigate some of the local flora that I am actually allowed to investigate.

Like the big trees here - there is SOMETHING here in the tangled roots, I just have to get to it.

And what better way than by flexing my fine, terrier digging muscles. As always, dig first, then go in for a full face sniff.

Alas, all of that digging for nothing (other than the fine pleasure of digging - which is absolutely NOT nothing). There must be something else in this park today, something like...


Sticks serve so many purposes, here I am using this fine one as a sort of primitive toothbrush. You know, to brush my teeth. If I actually did brush my teeth. Or if I even cared about such things.

Oh hell, I'm just chewing on a tasty stick, who am I kidding.




Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Hellooooo Bogie! We too are miffed by those stupid signs trying to keep us from what we do best. At least you found some fun sticks to munch after your dig.Have a great week.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Noah the Airedale said...

You sure love those sticks matie. Have you ever had one jammed in your mouth?

Noah x