My very favorite pair of opposable thumbs - oh, and everything else too.
I've got you pretty well-trained at this point, so no reason to trade you in for a newer model. You've taken good care of me, the kitties, and dad so now I've got to think of something special to do for you. Oh, and you still look pretty good for an old lady.
Happy Birthday to your Mama give her a big kiss from me.
You we should have go up into space today they keep moving it!!! Looks like the 4th now, that would have been a cool Birthday Present for your Mom.
See Yea George xxx
Happy Birthday to your momma!
Happy Birthday for your courageous mummy!
Lots of love
Happy birthday to Bogie's mama!
We hope you share cake!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!!!! Love and kisses A+A+PL2
Happy Birthday to your mom, Bogart!
She is very special!
I hope she had a nice day celebrating her big day!
Kisses and hugs
Oh My Goodness, you've got mama wearing a dale! Yesiree, thats when you know you've got em! My mom wears dales lots. Since Callie Mae left us I am spending lots of time with Mama, she is learning to head butt.
Woody Wood One Holmes
PS my pinkies are talking about a new baby, Nancy's Raven is due at Thanksgiving, I'm hopin for a girl! I need some bossin around!
happy birthday to your mom.
hope you all will be showered with unlimited blessings.:D
The leuradales send big big birthday woofs to your pretty mama Bogart xxx
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Please tell your mama we in GooberStan are sending her boatloads of juicy goob smooches in honor or her birth! We're so glad she was born, and has been the best mama in the world to you.
You've got it made, man!
Goober love,
Happy Birthday Mama! You are the best. And, yes, you look fantastic! Bogart is one lucky guy.
Happy birthday! We hope there were lots of special treats.
Alanis and Miro
Bogie, Love,
We're shamefully remiss in visiting your bloggie!! Happiest belated barkday to your mama...and she looks not a day over 18....
As for you new harness...it looks fab...lots better than some of those sports bra types!!
So how are you likin' Philly??? Have ya had a cheesesteakie yet????
Kisses, dear...and you so are a handsome devil...
Laciegirlie XXOO
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