Friday, July 11, 2008

Out! Out! Foul... whatever you are!!!

This appeared in my backyard this evening... and I'm really not pleased...

Out! Out! Foul... whatever you are!!!



To Aire is Divine


Faya said...

Hahahaha do your humans have a great time playing with this target ?
Kisses, Faya

Dandy Duke said...

We were noticing that when you bark you shake your head right afterwards! Mitch does the exact same thing - kinda like your own bark hurts your ears!
Haha - we love that your toys are being thrown at the target!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kirby said...

What is that thing Bogart. I wouldn't want it in my yard either. Thanks for the compliment on my life jacket. I'm very happy with it. Mom got it at, and it is the K-9 float coat. I don't mind wearing it at all, and I love how it makes me float!

Your pal,

Dexter said...

Borgart, dude!
There is something seriously wrong with mom and dad (besides their bad aim). I suggest letting them through things at that weird-o until they are tired and then rip it down and shred it.


Lillie Valentine said...

That looks kind of scawie to me. Why would someone hang that in your yard? Can you pee on it?