I am absolutely inconsolable and if a doggie can cry, I'm cryin' buckets.
My dear blogging Dale buddy Oscar has crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. Oscar, today you are truly (To Aire is) Divine. I LOVE YA, BUDDY.
I cannot even begin to imagine how sad his mom and dad are, I just send them ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD...
We're so sad here! We can't stop crying either. It's so awful. One of our very best friends in the whole wide world is gone! How will we ever get through it!
Love ya lots,
C'est pas juste ... pas Oscar. Tellement jeune et plein de vie. On arrive même plus à écrire en anglais. Merci de l'hommage à Oscar. Bisous, Faya
It's just impossible to compwehend..a howwible nightmawe..I want to wake up , and have life weturn to nowmal...but I don't think it will..I'm too sad for wowds..my Mommi can't stop cwying..we all love him so
smoochie kisses
Me, too, Bogart.
This is just so sad and unbelievable. Makes me angry that this happened to poor, sweet, Oscar. He sure didn't deserve it! I am very upset.
Take good care of yourself, Bogart.
Your friend,
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