And even better, I got to see my girl Heidi - she reminded me that walking around the lake is excellent exercise...
We met LOTS of other doggies...
A Chow Chow
A black pug and a Lhasa Apso (with a summer haircut)
And this little guy (can you see him in the photo? He was smaller than my HEAD)
It just isn't a party in Los Angeles if you don't have an inflatable jumpy castle...
There were lots of dancers...
And LOTS of people
Now this is how I am going to insist on travelling around in the heat - I get hot paws but this little furball looked quite content in his rolling suitcase...
But it was hard for the crowd to take their eyes off of the most exciting act there - ME!
In the evening, after all of the excitement, we walked home. Outside on my terrace, suddenly I heard a loud boom... but wait, the July 4th nonsense had already passed, so it couldn't be more of those nasty fireworks could it?
Well yes indeed it was.
The Lotus Festival = fun. The fireworks = not so much.
Just when you think the hoomans are halfway with it, BAM, they show just how much they *don't* get you. At least the festival looked like a blast.
Your silent yet sagacious commentary on the video was hilarious, man!
Thankfully you had your trusty Zenmaster there by your side. (Was that Behemoth, or was itone of your other kitties?)
Goob love & earplugs,
Yup, that's Behemoth - he knows how to deal with EVERYTHING :)
Man Bogie, - you get to go everywhere that's fun that involves lots of people! Did you get to go in that inflatable jumpy castle too?
Bummer on the fireworks! I could see that you were upset about your perfectly great day being ruined by some stupid hooman fun!
Love ya lots,
Shame that the fireworks had to ruin such a good day! At least you had Behemoth to commiserate with. J x
That looked like soo much fun. My mommie said that area is great- she loves Silverlake and wants to know if The Garage is still there? Apparently, it is a bar she used to go to. I can't imagine-- considering I have never seen her drink-- and she is BORING.
WOW you looked like you had
a busy day.
I hope had fun.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
Grrrrrr I hate fireworks.... here it will be on August 1st....grrrrrr
Kiss, Faya
dear bogart, i love photo number 1! did you get to romp in that jumpy castle? it looks like a lot of fun.
Oh Bogart... your video with the captions was sooo cute!!! I loved when the cat appeared and was like, "No, not me either". Cute!
Sitka (& Tia - MEOW)
What a great festival ....Looked like fun !!!
Great video .... We can read your thoughts...
Bogart -
Sorry to hear your not a fireworks fan - but my human and I enjoyed the video. Our 4th fireworks got rained out so it was nice seeing yours!!
Have a happy day - Dory
WOW Bogie! It looks like you had an awesomest goodest time! Cool!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
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