We've been sooo sad about the passing of our dear friend
Oscar, mom thought we needed to get out of the house and try to be happy again - to do some fun, different things. So we piled into the Bogie-mobile and off we went for a very full day (it takes a LOT to distract us from cryin' about our buddy)...

First things first - I had a refreshing shower with Dad. As much as I'm not really into getting wet, I do have to say that after the shower is over I feel mighty fresh and good. Runnin' around the apartment, aire-drying, rubbing up against everything. Now I'm READY...
The first stop was a little drive away - we went to Larchmont Village, one of the few walking streets in Los Angeles.

Lots of little shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. Lots of people too because they apparently have a farmers market there on Sundays (and no dogs allowed inside - barbarians!) so we had to do a lot of walking "around" it. No worries for me, lots of people had dogs with them (they must have had the same idea we did and were big fans of Oscar too). Oddly, most of the doggies weren't that friendly to me and had to be pulled back by their owners. But I maintained calm and didn't get into any arguments... I wanted to see everything!

Looking at properties - thinking about getting my own backyard sometime...

Mom thought it would be funny to get me a real haircut at the Barber Shop but haha mom - they're CLOSED on Sunday!!! So just a little posing and an inside joke.

Then I started sniffing around this shop... thought maybe I'd pick up a little something for some of my Aire-girl friends (was thinkin' of Miss Maggie, Sunshade, Putter, the Airechicks, Allegra, Maggie 2, & Faya and maybe a little somethin' for Snickers...).

It gave me a *special* twitter so I happily posed for the photo.

We wanted to eat some lunch but every cafe was pretty crowded... so we headed to Old Town Pasadena and a place where they always give me great treatment, Malagueta!

I had my own area to lay down, and a nice, cold bowl of water. Even a few pieces of mozzarella cheese fell down magically from mom's plate. Mmm mmm mmm.
I thought we'd be heading home after that, but instead we went over to dad's friend Stephen's house nearby... I haven't been there in AGES and got really excited. Now mom says that she was a little wary about us going over there because the last time we were there I got into a little doggie argument with one of their doggies (they have 3). So she wasn't sure if this was going to work...

But she had nothing to worry about, the one doggie that I don't get along with was in the backyard and we got to run around in the front yard. Yay! Running in grass, playing with doggies, this is great fun for an apartment-dog like me.

Sitting by the pool with the humans was fun too - although sometimes their conversation gets a little bit boring. But they had doggie cookies and they were sitting in the shade, so I was happy to join their little party.

Very relaxing, then a nice, easy drive home.

Mom and dad were relaxed too and didn't feel like cooking dinner (well, they cooked MINE so basically all is well with the world) so off we went AGAIN, this time to our local Mexican place, the Rodeo Grill. Mom and I sat outside, watching all of the hipsters slump by, while dad went in to get their burritos. One guy came up to me and was talking to mom - he's one of the waiters from Good Microbrew, the place we always go for lunch! He recognized me before he recognized mom... yes, I'm pretty memorable indeed.

So as you can see it was a BUSY day, and a fun one. Didn't make me forget about my buddy Oscar, I'll never forget about him! But I hope that he's watching, reading my blog from the Rainbow Bridge, and having a good laugh at my Aire-ventures.
To Aire is Divine