Griffith Park - the place where I get to do all of my great hikes - is on fire! It's really sad, so many areas burning, but right now it looks like the LA Zoo and Autry Museum are safe but many houses in the Los Feliz area are threatened. Dantes Peak (a pretty area near the Observatory) has been destroyed.
Here is a link to a blog that is being updated all of the time on the LA Times website: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/breakingnews
Think cool, unwindy thoughts for everyone in the area that the brave firemen get this fire under control soon!
Fire is so destructive and so scary! I pray the blaze is squashed real, real soon! This is just horrible!
Love ya lots,
Oh nooooo ! It is terrible...
Kiss, Faya
I hope it's out soon, both for the sake of the park and for you!
Bogart... I hate it about your park, but I am glad you are safe! We have some major fires in South Georgia. We are in central, so we are ok, but it is very scary!!
Hugs, Sitka
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